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Handmaiden problem (yes I´ve searched) *spoiler*

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:10 pm
by Miyagi
Although I´m light side, handmaiden turned out a dark jedi guardian, at least that´s what the game is telling me.
Here are the details:
I´m a light side Jedi Weaponmaster and just finished Dantoiine (after first doing Onderon).
I´m on board of the Ebon Hawk. I´ve been maximum light side before but gained some DS points in a dialogue with Kreia (some time ago). I´ve managed to get back to almost maximum on Dantooine, but don´t have the +3 STR bonus at the moment.
I´ve won the third duel with handmaiden and turned her into a jedi. Strangely, I get the dialogue option that I will turn her into a DARK jedi guardian and in the cutscene with Kreia and Atris, Atris tells the other handmaiden, that my handmaiden won´t be following the exilant but has become a sith. I also get the message, that handmaiden has become a dark jedi guardian. Looking at her character screen, she´s maximum light side and after the whole "turn jedi" action I´ve got my +3 STR bonus again, so obviously I´ve gained LS points. ????

My questions are: What can I do to make the game tell me that I´ve turned handmaiden into a jedi guardian, not a dark jedi guardian? Do I need to be maximum LS before the "turning"? Or is this just another localisation error (I´m playing the german version with both patches, but there are still some bugs like the re-programming of the turrets on Dantoiine, where you have to program them to defend the attackers to actually defend your allies).
In the cutscene, does Atris always say, that handmaiden has turned a Sith, even if you managed to make her a (LS) jedi guardian?

I´ve searched the whole forum but coulnd´t find an answer, so any help is appreciated.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:28 pm
by Turkey Chaser
never heard of this before,must be a bug.
or maybe its the dialog you chose.

and i never heard atris say anything about the handmaiden turning to a sith,and ive played as light and dark.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 2:53 pm
by Miyagi
I just tried it a few times again. Went outside, got another few LS points by going outside and repairing the protocol droid (and choosing the LS dialogue option when the other guy is asking me if I´m a jedi), changed robes from dark jedi robe to padawan robe, etc.
Everytime in the end I have only one dialogue option, "I´m going to make a dark jedi guardian" out of you and then the Atris cutscene with the sith reference.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:00 pm
by Miyagi
I may just have found the answer elsewhere. My influence on handmaiden seems to be too low. This is what I found:

PC is Light Side...
...and Influence <10

Atton – Dark Jedi Sentinel
Bao-Dur – Dark Jedi Guardian
Disciple – Dark Jedi Consular
Handmaiden – Dark Jedi Guardian
Mira – Dark Jedi Sentinel

...and Influence >90

Atton – Jedi Sentinel
Bao-Dur – Jedi Guardian
Disciple – Jedi Consular
Handmaiden – Jedi Guardian
Mira – Jedi Sentinel

Found it here:

The only thing I don´t get is why my influence on handmaiden is so low.

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:36 pm
by Kayos
thats also something ive discovered. what my theory is that its a bug. but it only bugs when you use cheats. so i have often gotten completly normal light side comments/answers and they still look like a truck ran over their face a few times. what usually happens is after you cross to a new area. you know when you have to go through those barriers or after a cut scene. but thats only if you use cheats. so are you using cheats?

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 11:09 am
by Miyagi
No, I haven´t used a single cheat in this game.
I thinks its a bit odd - after all my conversations and sparring with her, I should have enough influence. And despite one dialogue with Kreia on the Ebon Hawk I never ever did anything that gave me DS points nor do I remember ever losing influence with handmaiden.
What I don´t quite understand from the list I posted:
It says
"...and Influence <10
Handmaiden – Dark Jedi Guardian"
"...and Influence >90
Handmaiden – Jedi Guardian"

What about being in between 10 and 90? Well, I should probably post that question on the thread in the lucas forums.

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:55 pm
by mr_sir
[QUOTE=Miyagi]What about being in between 10 and 90? Well, I should probably post that question on the thread in the lucas forums.[/QUOTE]

I think it means that you cannot make them into a Jedi at all until you either have influence of less than 10 (in which case they become the opposite of your alignment) or greater than 90 (in which case they are the same as your alignment).

Posted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 2:26 pm
by Kayos
oh well then ok. no cheats. then that is perplexing...

i agree with mr_sir. if below 10 then a dark jedi, if over 90 then light jedi. seems to make sense to me.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:04 am
by JundlandBanshee
Just a thought, but if Visas joined your crew before you made the Handmaiden into a Jedi, it might have dropped your influence with her.