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getting illegal to sleep here when I shouldn't

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:01 pm
by PRGFool
I searched the forum for this because I thought someone would look to resolve this problem, maybe not many (or no one) has it. I am in the middle of trying to get hlallu horator and I went back to cosades' place and it won't let me rest there (he is long gone). Earlier in the game, I paid to sleep in places (i am a battlemage, in the mages guild) like the mages guild and other places and it would not let me sleep there. Same issue, not legal.

Is there a trick here or something I should be doing? Its more an annoyance than a real frustration. Is there a console command that I can put in to make the bed 'Legal'. Otherwise I have to keep going out of town to rest.

Posted: Sat Jul 22, 2006 8:40 pm
by cerebralassasin
If Casius is gone, you should be able to rest there. Try the sneak button, if the sneak icon appears it should be ok to rest.

Just walk into a building (a house, a guild, etc. etc.) go to an empty room, close the door and rest all you want. I believe in Vivec you can also rest in the sewers. I never pay for beds in an inn, just pick the lock to the room and rest :)

Hope this is helpful

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:08 am
by Coot
If you do want to pay for a bed, there are inns in Balmora, of course.

If you're a member of a guild, you should not have to pay for resting.

And are you using the 't'-button for resting or the spacebar? The latter should work when you're standing right next to a bed, the first would give you the illegal message.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:09 pm
by PRGFool
been using T

I will try both the sneak and the spacebar to see if this resolves my problem.
thanks to both of you.