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Time for a divorce?

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:14 am
When I first got married my wife keept singing and saying nice things. But now she dont seem as cheerfull. She says things like: Hello, Husband.
I give her things like chocolates and stuff, but she still seems so grumpy.

Is there any way to make her happy again? The only reason I want to keep her is becasuse she used to give me master weapons.

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 11:27 am
by matthewd
[]When I first got married my wife keept singing and saying nice things. But now she dont seem as cheerfull. She says things like: Hello, Husband.
I give her things like chocolates and stuff, but she still seems so grumpy.
Is there any way to make her happy again? The only reason I want to keep her is becasuse she used to give me master weapons.[/QUOTE]

MayB she has enough of ur fugly face.. Rofl
No i had this to try visiting here as much as possible and give here a rose and a box of chocolats everytime u drop by
When u do say she should b happy again in 4 game days..
Anyway when u have changed ur allignment thoug or something that might B the isseu to

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:02 pm
by Berethor
It also happens when you come out of Bargate Prison. Just visit her every day and give her some gifts. If that doesn't work, kill her, unless you want 600 evil points for a divorce o_O .

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:14 am
Well, my aligement it fully 'good' my atractvness is 100, but the scaryness is 100 aswell, maybe thats whats causing it?

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:55 am
by DesR85
[]Well, my aligement it fully 'good' my atractvness is 100, but the scaryness is 100 aswell, maybe thats whats causing it?[/QUOTE]
That might be one of the factors why your wife isn't happy. High scariness will affect your attractiveness one way or the other. I suggest (spoiler)
wearing the Bright Will User suit and get yourself a Fire Monkey tatoo. Your scariness meter will be at 0 and you'll get a very high attractive score.

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:18 pm
by matthewd
[QUOTE=DesR85]That might be one of the factors why your wife isn't happy. High scariness will affect your attractiveness one way or the other. I suggest (spoiler)
wearing the Bright Will User suit and get yourself a Fire Monkey tatoo. Your scariness meter will be at 0 and you'll get a very high attractive score.

Not neccaserely... I have hunderd scariness to but that isnt why she bugs out... actually it is becouse u do not give her enoug attention.. every character wearing a armor has a 100 scariness tt is the attractiveness that only matters... This does not go for having a number in the minus for attractiveness and have a load of scariness this will B a couse of having ur wife acting strange... but anyway u can always try desR's advice perhaps it will work

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:57 am
Well I do wear full bright will, and I have fire monkey, But I have the 'Normal' Haircut wich is 50 atractivness and 50 scaryness and I also have the normal beard wich is 50 atractivenes and 50 scaryness.

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 7:33 am
by DesR85
Well, those things that I did really worked for me. Found that if I had a pretty high scariness score, my wife won't be attracted to me.

[]Well I do wear full bright will, and I have fire monkey, But I have the 'Normal' Haircut wich is 50 atractivness and 50 scaryness and I also have the normal beard wich is 50 atractivenes and 50 scaryness.[/QUOTE]
You could try getting the (spoilers, please highlight)
Youngster haircut
and shave off that beard. Might help. :)

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 2:19 pm
But I cant because I dont like it and it dont do with my hero coz hes old old oldddd

Posted: Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:36 pm
by DesR85
Well, you could try looking for haircuts and beards that have high attractiveness and low to no scariness, even though they might not look nice to you. ;) That's as far as I can offer for advice. Sorry that I can't be of much help here. :(