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How to continue Harper quest?

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2001 4:53 pm
by Sachiel
I've just finished the game but noticed that there is more to the Harper Hold quest than what I've done. I'm currently at the part where I've just gotten Jaheira to return to the party after she leaves a note saying she was going to go back to the hold. The guide on this site says that I should get a visit from Dermin (or whatever his name is), but it's been at least 5-10 game days since I got Jaheira from the hold. Can I only get the encounter with Dermin at certain areas or after certain actions or am I stuck for good? I've already finished every major quests in the game (including entering palace in Suldanesselar.)

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2001 4:59 pm
by rapier
Hm, you should stay in the area of Athkatla and don't start new chaps...

P.S.: Hmmm...Sachiel...sounds familiar...*shrugs*

- Beware SHADows
- Beware places where the night LIVEs.
- They wait
- There is no Natural Darknesss
- Only ShaDOWS

Posted: Sat Feb 03, 2001 5:17 pm
by Weasel
It is random as Rapier said...I found going to the city gates and sometimes resting outside helped cause thisto happen quicker.