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Deep Mir Forest

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:36 am
by markabaddon
I know I should probably stop playing The Darkest Day, as the bugs are very annoying, but when it works, it works extremely well.

That being said, does anyone know the area code for the Deep Mir Forest?

I have started the Riativin Main Quest, have defeated the pirates at the docks, and received my reward from the Council of Six. According to my walkthrough, a Shadow Thief is supposed to come and update my world map to include the Deep Mir Forest. This has not happened.

Does anyone know the area code for the Forest so that I could CluaConsole to there and continue this quest? For some reason, I just have to see what the Dracolich at the end of this mega-quest looks like

Thanks in advance for the help,


Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:22 pm
by aldazir

Did I miss something friend or are you in the wrong forum?

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:22 pm
by markabaddon
Darkest Day

I am playing Shadows of Amn with the Darkest Day mod (as well as Ease of Use and Solaufein added).

Unfortunately, while this mod does add a lot of new weapons, quests, monsters, and character kits, there are also a ton bugs.

To that end, I was hoping that someone had experienced the bug I am currently encountering and could help me figure out a way around it. Failing that, I will probably leave a save game where I am currently stuck, and then continue another game and continue to the Elven City and Irenicus

Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 9:36 pm
by SP101
Try posting on the mod's forum (see the readme, they generally include the address there!)