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Sword in Stone (Spoiler)

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:27 pm
by Flipkick202
I found this sword thats in a stone...I just wanted to know how I could get it out? Does it take a certain amount of strength? :confused:

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:12 pm
by Berethor
When you go there, it records your Strength, and unless your Strength is maxed, you will have to improve your Physique by 5, Health by 3, and Toughness by 2. Then you will pull out the Harbringer.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 6:22 pm
by Flipkick202
Oh...Alright Ill try that, thanks.

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:49 pm
by DesR85
Hi Flipkick202,

Welcome to the forums. Hope you enjoy your time here. :)

Spoiler, please highlight:
The level of strength needed to pull out that Harbinger (sword in stone) is quite unpredictable. Sometimes the strength stats mentioned by Berethor works and sometimes they do not. As what Berethor has said, the first time you attempt to pull out the sword will result with a failure and it will be recorded. The next time you try to pull out the sword (plus increased stats from the first attempt) you might be succesful. As for me, it took me at least three times with different strength levels to pull out the Harbinger and my stats at the successful attempt were Physique (level 7), Toughness (level 7) and Health (level 5).
Hope this helps. :)

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 12:10 am
by TheHero
The Harbringer isn't all that great anyways. Get some other legendary weapon, or just a good greatsword.

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 10:30 am
by Flipkick202
Well I did go to the Temple of Avo and donated 500 gold, then 32,000 gold and then another 500 gold...But I never got that one weapon..Was I suppose to donate all that at once? :confused:

Posted: Sun Jul 30, 2006 4:10 pm
by Berethor
If you mean The Sentinus, I have a little trick I do.

First, I make sure I have at least 60'000 gold. Then, I donate gold in groups of around 20'000 until you get the gift of youth. You don't actually have to spend money though--I'm on Xbox, so it might be different, but when you donate, if you rapidly press A RIGHT AFTER YOU DONATE until the altar pops up again, you should retain your cash. Then keep donating 20'000 until you get the title. Finally, donate around 35'000 at once and get the Sentinus.

This worked for me, but if the little trick doesn't work for you, you may want to have on the upside of 100'000.

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 9:43 am
by Flipkick202
Well..First off...I just did what you said..And I didnt retain my money....And second...Does the title "Paladin" come before you get the weapon? Or do you get the weapon then the title paladin...Because in my Personality it says my name is "A Legendary Hero named Paladin" or something like that...Also..How do I tell if I got the Eternal Youth thing? :confused:

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:05 pm
by matthewd
after beating the game a few times i reconed it is rondom.. One time i got the title first the other time i got the weapon first.. as goes for the weapon
i did it going with 50K
I first donated 10K and got the age reducement
Then i donated 20K and got the sentinus
Then i donated another 20K and got the paladin naming
This goes for the last time i did it...
As far vor the sword in the rock.. DesR85 already filled it up i had to go with Spoiler
lvl7 physics lvl7 thougness lvl 6 health

Posted: Mon Jul 31, 2006 3:18 pm
by Flipkick202
Yeah...I already got the Harbringer out of the rock..I had to max out all of my strength parts though...And Ill try what you said...On how to get the sword from the Temple...I just gotta figure out how to get 50k now..I got no quests because I've already beaten the game...Well..Actually I have like 1 quest left..Idno how much it gives though..Any one know the fastest ways to make money?