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Question about Harpers Hold

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:52 am
by Juniper
I searched and found a thread from 2005 about Harpers Hold....but it really did not answer my question......

*possible spoiler follows*

After i return to Harpers Hold...questions etc....ok, Jaheria leaves, then the battle begins....but now, i cant find her again. I've travelled around abit in hopes that she comes to find me. Is she gone for good?

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :D

Posted: Tue Aug 01, 2006 4:18 pm
by Lady Viola
Do you mean Jaheira leaves after Galvarey questions you, as in she refuses to side with you against Galvarey? I think if your reputation is low, Jaheira will refuse to side with you and leaves. When I play with a rep. of 16 or higher, Jaheira always sides with the group. I don't know if she's gone for good, but if so, you might want to reload, do a few quests to boost your rep., and then come back to Harper Hold.
Hope that helps. :)

Lady V.

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 6:43 am
by Juniper
Yes, it is after I am questioned...tho, she seems to be on my "side" objecting to how my answers are being twisted...

I think my parties rep that may be my problem...Oops :laugh:

Thank you for your insight :)

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:06 am
by Lopov
Is there any way to get Jaheira back?Not that I would want to do it, but I'm just curious because Jaheira left my part of the same reason, my reputation is only 6.:angel: And she took my pommel jewel with her as well.

It's however interesting when I talk to Bernard for the 1st time after Jaheira leaves, he asks me whether it's true that Jaheira betrayed Harpers or not?

If there's no way, then I think I'll have to use CLUA to get the jewel back.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 4:47 am
by Celacena

I wouldn't lose much sleep over that jewel - the sword that it makes is OK but there are many better swords.

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 5:29 am
by wise grimwald
I agree that the sword is not vital, but what happens if she leaves with keys etc that you actually need?

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 9:25 am
by Lopov
The only thing I got returned from her was Harper Amulet and she was wearing it when she left.Maybe the keys are returned to, but I didn't give her any.

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:02 am
by Saros
Quest items cannot be lost. Even ditched on the ground, they will stay permanently. If an NPC with a quest item in his pack is dismissed, the item is automatically transferred in PC's inventory. Quest related items are most often keys and such, but not only. For instance, even the Flail of Ages is considered to be a quest item.

Jaheira leaving the party after Galvarey's fight means most probably that your party's reputation is Disliked or even Despised. Donate a little money to a nearby temple before the start of the fight to raise your rep to Average(9-13) and she will not leave you.

Some hints(spoiler below):
This quest is one of the most valuable NPC quests in the game. You will receive 5 Rings of Protection +1 and 4 Cloaks of Protection +1, 2 Rings of Protection +2, 2 Amulets of Protection +1, a Ring of Wizardry, a set of Bracers of Defense AC 5, several bracers AC 6, potions and other items, plus a Harper Pin in the end. In order to get these, this is what you have to do:

After Galvarey is dead, Reviane&party will intercept you after a few days in a wilderness area. She will not fight you if your reputation is Popular or higher. So keep your rep on Average and slay them all.

After a few more days, Dermin appears. He will talk to Jaheira.

Dermin will appear a few days later and talk to Jaheira again. Afterwards, immediately after 1 rest, Jaheira will vanish and Terminsel will appear. A good thief may rob him for an Amulet of Protection +1 and Ring of Protection +2.

After rejoining Jaheira, your party will be intercepted in the wild after a few days. Kill them all. You'll get the Bracers of Defense AC 5.

Afterwards it will be good to raise your reputation to Heroic(17 and above). Try either donations to a temple or fulfilling quickly some reputation-gaining quests, or both. If you don't have Heroic reputation, then Jaheira will not receive her quest reward, the harper pin.

The harper pin is given by Terminsel. He can be looted again for a second Ring of Protection +2 and Amulet of prot +1.

Note: If you want to play with Jaheira, you cannot temporarily disband her once the quest has started, or even ended. She will never return in SoA, and you may eventually join her in ToB. If you don't, then the Harper Pin can be used by a Thief or Bard with UAI later in the game, with certain Wis and Cha requirements(equal to or higher than Jaheira's original Wis and Cha).