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Unfinished Business Mod (V 15) - Problems with Illithium Quest (spoilers)

Posted: Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:46 pm
by dragon wench
First of all, thanks to Daemon for the tip on how to open my console. :)

Okay, my problem is this, I am trying to complete the Gorje Hilldark quest. I have found him in the Temple Ruins, and sent him off on his way. Then I return to the Copper Coronet, but he is not there, only the brother who sent me on the mission to rescue him in the first place. When I speak to dear brother, he makes some comment about Gorje having returned, and then refuses to speak with me further...
So, no Gorje, no completing of the quest, no illithium.

I am trying to spawn Gorje Hilldark into the game, and then set him to the appropriate conversation global, but none of the codes I've tried (from the UB forums) have worked..

Does somebody know exactly how to type in the codes I need?
