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Unable to Play ... I'm desperate!

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:40 am
by Hasimir
Hi to all :)
I find myself unable to play at this great game T_T

I run a WinXP Pro sp2.
I install the game (tryed both 4cd full-install and 2cd version) and start a new Life ... ok.
I play the Mortuary fine.
Onece I get out into the Hive the game crashes to desktop almost every time I load a new area or enter a building!
It closes up instantly and presents me with an "Assertion Failed" error.

Google answers with:
- "Try a FULL install" ... done, not useful.
- "Try deleting the Cache folder" ... done, not useful.
- "Try running it in Win98 compatibility mode" ... done, not useful.
- "Try messing with the CD-Rom settings" ... tryed, it's impossible under XP.

I made several re-Installs, deleting any temp file or registry key ... I tryed the 4cd and 2cd versions ... with and without the 1.1FULL patch and with/without the extra FixPack.

I'm desperate! :(

here's a full error message...
An Assertion failed in D:\Torment\Source\baldur\InfGame.cpp at line number 6303
Funny thing D: drive is just a small partition of my HD where I store important files...there is NOTHING related to Torment here, and why should there be a "baldur" folder into a Torment install?!

Anyway the InfGame.cpp file is not the only one called for, as the line 6303 is not the only one mentined o_O ''

After some tests I *think* the problem could come from the AutoSave.
If I delete the autosave before every area transition the game does NOT crash ... if instead I do nothing and the auto-save gets overwrited it crashed at the first transition (or second if I'm lucky). can I stop the Auto-Save feature?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:25 am
by MikeDykeLike
I'm at a loss of what exactly to do here.

You mentioned that you have partitioned your hard-drive and the error seems to occur in the partition where it shouldn't. Do you have another PC where you could try installing the game to see if the problem is related to your PC specifically?

Move your save folder out of the Torment folder. Restart the game. Begin a new game and save (the game creates a fresh save and a fresh save folder), and try if you can move out of the mortuary to see if the problem persists (assuming you have been reusing the same saves previously).

In the past, I've experienced odd save game behavior (save game crashes, slow game saving) because of severe hard-drive fragmentation. If you haven't tried it, try defragmenting your hard-drive with a utility like Diskeeper (but not the Windows XP defragmentation utility).