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Is there any mod to be able to freely change your quickbars?

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:37 am
by Chippox of Doom
Hard to explain really.. But what i meen is to be able to change your icons just like in Icewind Dale 2.

For example, i just made a new party, and my PC is a cleric/thief, And when ever i want to use thieving skills, I have to first click on my skill button, and then on thieving, and i also cant have any spells bound to my quickbar like a pure cleric/pure mage.

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 12:32 pm
by Artimus
As far as I can tell, it isn't possible to change.

However, once GemRB (an open source re-implementation of the Infinity Engine - the one Baldur's Gate uses) becomes "playable", you'll be able to change the interface fairly easily. I've already looked at editing the interface for my Cleric/Thief, and it can be done.

Currently, you're out of luck. Amoung other things, spellcasting and thief skills don't work yet under GemRB. Also, the Microsoft Windows versions of GemRB are out of date, so compiling would be required if you wanted to mess around.

GemRB: Infinity Engine Emulator :: Your personalized Infinity Engine Emulator (I'm not a member of the GemRB team, I'm just a fan)
