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Enchanting Troubles.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:32 am
by RBitG
My apologies for yet another thread, but it seems that I am being defeated at every step in what I am trying to do.
A while ago I set out to make an awesome suit of Daedric armour (By Enchanting, of course), much similar to that of the Lord of Tel Fyr.
After overcoming several difficulties (Finding a 'Fortify Strength' spell to Enchant Several pieces of the armour with, and finding the Enchanting Master Trainer, who I had to Convince to train me, even though he saw me as an enemy) I have finally come to the part where I intend to begin Enchanting.
However, with Enchanting level of 99, and potion-and-magic boosted Intelligence of 600, and Luck of 300, and a Golden Saint Grand Soul Gem (Value: 80,000), It seems that I am still unable to enchant my Daedric Shield at 150/150 with a constant effect of Fortify Strength: 30 Points.
It's not that it's not possible to do, it's just that every time I try to enchant it, I fail.
Is there something here that I have merely failed to notice?
I would greatly appreciate any help that anybody could give me on this subject, and thank you all for bearing with me thus far.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 1:45 am
by dj_venom
What happens if you go to an enchanter? They are in every mage guild (though some might ask for you to be a higher rank, I use the one in Sadrith Mora). To make it cheaper, you might want to bump up their disposition.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:04 am
by RBitG
dj_venom wrote:What happens if you go to an enchanter? They are in every mage guild (though some might ask for you to be a higher rank, I use the one in Sadrith Mora). To make it cheaper, you might want to bump up their disposition.
Even as Archmage with 100 Disposition, the price for one piece is still around 60,000 for me, and I just don't have enough for an entire suit of armour. :/
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:06 am
by mr_sir
dj_venom wrote:What happens if you go to an enchanter? They are in every mage guild (though some might ask for you to be a higher rank, I use the one in Sadrith Mora). To make it cheaper, you might want to bump up their disposition.
I don't think enchanters can create as powerful enchantments as you can if you boost up your intelligence etc.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 3:57 am
by RBitG
Has anybody attempted an Enchanment of this scale, if so, what was the result?
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:35 am
by Magelord648
Even with intelligence and enchantment at 100 you will still find it very hard to enchant very good items. (I've only managed 50) Just save up and pay or try getting your luck to 100 to.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:46 am
by mr_sir
Magelord648 wrote:Even with intelligence and enchantment at 100 you will still find it very hard to enchant very good items. (I've only managed 50) Just save up and pay or try getting your luck to 100 to.
He had luck 300 and intelligence 600 though, with enchant at 99. The only thing I can suggest is to try to increase int and luck even further.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 4:47 am
by Magelord648
Oops I missed that.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:20 am
by Gromph
Well if you don't have the money, raise it.
Step 1 - Go to Vivec.
Step 2 - Kill an Ordinator(leave the corpse on the ground)
Step 3 - Pay for your crimes.
Step 4 - Put on a piece of the Ordinator's equipment. They will now attack(usually on sight) and you can kill them(once they attack of course) with a guilt-free conscience and no criminal record.
Step 5 - Collect some mad booty.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:14 am
by welshmouse
i belive you cant make CE enchantemtns on your own.
ive never tried but ive read that its a guranteed fail everytime, youll have to settle with a CWU or sumthing.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 7:27 am
by fable
It's not that it's not possible to do, it's just that every time I try to enchant it, I fail.
What specific CE enchantment or enchantments are you trying to put on the thing?
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:27 am
by Magelord648
welshmouse wrote:i belive you cant make CE enchantemtns on your own.
ive never tried but ive read that its a guranteed fail everytime, youll have to settle with a CWU or sumthing.
I'm sure I made my CE levitation ring by myself.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:23 am
by welshmouse
i may be wrong then. like i said i havnt tried myself.
maybe you should just try increasing your luck even more.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 5:17 pm
by Darzog
RBitG wrote:... I am still unable to enchant my Daedric Shield at 150/150 with a constant effect of Fortify Strength: 30 Points.
Fable, he is trying to enchant a Daedric shield with CE Fort Str 30.
mr_sir]I don't think enchanters can create as powerful enchantments as you can if you boost up your intelligence etc.[/quote wrote:
The only difference with enchanters is that you have to pay for the enchantment. The charges, amount you can fit on a specific items, etc are all constant regardless of who is doing the enchanting. If you do it yourself it's cheap but you fail sometimes. If an enchanter does it it costs a lot but always succeeds.
And I believe it can be done but since a Daedric shield is just about the most powerful enchantable item (based on enchant strength) you may fail A LOT before it works. Nothing else to do other than raise try to boost your INT/LUC more and try, try again.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:24 pm
by Deadalready
I managed to enchant my own Daedric Shield with about 40 CE strength, at the time I had about 1200 Intelligence but I still failed quite a few times.
Still I might have boosted my intelligence level more or just did the old save and reload but I did do it. It is afterall a huge level of enchantment and it requires a huge level of intelligence to do so.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 6:27 pm
by fable
CE Fortify Strength 30? That's extremely tough. Any CE fortification strength is a bear. No wonder it's taking so much effort.
Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:13 pm
by RBitG
Deadalready wrote:I managed to enchant my own Daedric Shield with about 40 CE strength, at the time I had about 1200 Intelligence but I still failed quite a few times.
Still I might have boosted my intelligence level more or just did the old save and reload but I did do it. It is afterall a huge level of enchantment and it requires a huge level of intelligence to do so.
Oh, so it's possible? I only had about 6 Fortify Intelligence potions, and 3 Fortify Luck potions on me at the time, and spell effects don't seem to stack. Nevertheless, I shall continue to try, but first I think I shall go and find some more potion ingredients.
And does anybody know if seperate spells have stack effects? For example, If I cast one spell;
Enchanter's Intelligence (Fortifty INT 100), can I cast say...
Fortify Intelligence (Fortify INT 40), on top of that? Because the effects of two
Enchanter's Intelligences will not stack.
And thank you very much for the responses, everybody.
EDIT: Oh, and Deadalready, what Soul Gem were you using?
Posted: Fri Aug 11, 2006 5:03 am
by RBitG
Well, I finally managed it. Discovering that Ash Yams and Bloat would make a fine 64/172
Fortify Intelligence potion, I raided a plantation and then purchased 40 Bloat from the Lady of the White Haven in Balmora.
Using an 80,000 Golden Saint Soul Gem, with my Intelligence at around 3000, and my luck around 400 I managed the enchantment, multiple times.
Here's the screenshot:
I also managed to enchant a Daedric Gauntlet and Exquisite Amulet with
Fortify Strength, before I ran out of Appropriate soul Gems.
Anyway, I want to thank everybody who's helped me out with this, and hopefully I'll be moving on the the full suit of armour when I reach tribunal.
Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2007 3:02 pm
by Isillur Thorne
Use alchemy exploit to get int to around 2000-4000. Only way to reliably succeed on complex enchantments. Enchanting skill matter for about zilch. All that maters really is ur int. Only reason to take enchanting as a maj/min skill or lvl it up at all is to get faster regen on ur items