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glitch with free training? (minor spoiler)

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2006 8:59 pm
by Belthan
So it seems like anytime you pay for training in a particular skill, the amount of effort it takes to advance again in that skill is just a little more than it took to get to the previous level. Makes sense, since each level is a little harder than the last even if you don't get any training.

But... if you get free training from a character, like when Seed-Neeus gives you a free level in Mercantile for rescuing Dar-Ma, or when Quill-Weave gives you a freebie in Acrobatics for not ratting her out (pun intented :rolleyes: ) to Arvena, it seems to take forever until you level up in that skill again.

Is it just my imagination, or has anybody else noticed this too?

Posted: Sat Aug 12, 2006 6:38 am
by pitdog
Nope. ;)