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all drow party

Posted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 7:45 pm
by thismysn
I got bored with my normal human/elf 2 caster, 3 warrior 1 rogue party and i decided to make an all drow party.

My first setback was that there were only 3 drow portraits. So I made a drow sorceress with the female portrait, and a male drow fighter and a male drow fighter rogue with the other one. Also, I used the male dark looking wizardish portrait of the guy in orage robes for a drow male wizard. Maybe he is a drow after all idk. Also i used the female duergar looking portrait for a female drow cleric who looks *a bit* aged. matron mother?

This party absolutely kicked ass. The stats were good and the 5 faerie fire's was cool at first. I made it through the ice temple easily! The fighter uses a greatsword, the figher rogue dw's a bastard sword and short sword, and the cleric wizard and sorc go b/w web are aoe spells, summonings, and finger of death/disintegrate. Also, I got bored and made a 3 lvl dwarven slave who i wont level up and gets me a sh*tload of exp. I have 8th level spells inthe beginning of severed hand. With him, the game got a lot easier, but the point is before that 5 drow still kicked ass. He just winds up getting raised after every battle anyways.

O but im stuck on the lost followers i cant kill a single one of them before i die

Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 12:10 pm
by Philos
Summons **SPOILERS**

Summons are one good method. Your Matron Mother should be able to call up some really good undead, like Drowned Dead or Apocalyptic Bone Guards (my favorite).

**Spoiler** Before you trip the encounter have her and your mage summon a couple of undead and/or monsters. Put them well in front your party, IIRC I had by chance placed a couple of them fairly close the where the "Lost" pop in. Most of the Lost zeroed in on them first and left me free to gang up on the others. If you leave them back near the entrance you will have to fetch them plus the Lost will focus on you first.

Hope this helps.