good digging sites...
Posted: Fri Aug 18, 2006 7:12 pm
there are a few good places to dig in albion. here are some good places i know...
Lyincfield graveyard: look for the grave that says someones name and then"missed by none, morned by few, we are glad you are gone. dig there for 1000 gold.
Rose cottage:to the west of the cottage there is a brown mound of dirt surrounded by roses. dig there for a silver key.
Windmill Hill:West of the windmill there should be a mound of dirt surrounded by roses. dig there for a silver key.
Memorial garden:There is a statue with a guy holding an axesomewhere. dig under the axe for and obsidian greataxe and silver key.
Oakvale:next to the entrance to memorial garden there is a grave. Dig there for sme money, lie 250 or something.
Witchwood stones:There is a gargoyal statuse somewhere which is in a red light. Dig there for a silver key.
Orchard farm:There is a barn, with hay cubes that make a pyramid thing. DIg bettwen the pyrimid and the barn for a frying pan. Its and important thing this frying pan... veiw my other posts to find out why...but dont dig there untill you find every tresure clue.
Orchard farm:Behind the farmers house there is a grave, dig it to get upper dress(whatever turns you on...)
Oakvale:by the dock to the left side right next to the dock look untill the digging icon apperes. Dig there for 500 gold.
Ps. this is all for fable 1, not tls
Lyincfield graveyard: look for the grave that says someones name and then"missed by none, morned by few, we are glad you are gone. dig there for 1000 gold.
Rose cottage:to the west of the cottage there is a brown mound of dirt surrounded by roses. dig there for a silver key.
Windmill Hill:West of the windmill there should be a mound of dirt surrounded by roses. dig there for a silver key.
Memorial garden:There is a statue with a guy holding an axesomewhere. dig under the axe for and obsidian greataxe and silver key.
Oakvale:next to the entrance to memorial garden there is a grave. Dig there for sme money, lie 250 or something.
Witchwood stones:There is a gargoyal statuse somewhere which is in a red light. Dig there for a silver key.
Orchard farm:There is a barn, with hay cubes that make a pyramid thing. DIg bettwen the pyrimid and the barn for a frying pan. Its and important thing this frying pan... veiw my other posts to find out why...but dont dig there untill you find every tresure clue.
Orchard farm:Behind the farmers house there is a grave, dig it to get upper dress(whatever turns you on...)
Oakvale:by the dock to the left side right next to the dock look untill the digging icon apperes. Dig there for 500 gold.
Ps. this is all for fable 1, not tls