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Ambush question

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:49 am
by jsf
Hi folks, long time lurker, first time poster ...

Basically I'm replaying SoA after a couple of years, and have been using a wizard slayer kit. I've been resting, going slow, etc, and am getting ready to return the lanthorn and go to Suldalnessar (and it's roughly around day 119).

On my way back to the elven camp, I got ambushed by a group of doppelgangers who were initially disguised as merchants, and then transformed to mirror images of my party. They said something about someone wanting to finally see/face me. Now, I've played this game plenty of times, but I've never seen this ambush before.

Anyone have any idea what it was about? Is there some unfinished subquest that I'm not aware of?

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:47 pm
by Horus
Hi there, pretty much the same situation for me. (This is my second post but my first mysteriously disappeared. :p )

I've had that ambush too and I'm pretty sure it's just a standard chapter 6 encounter, nothing to do with unfinished quests or such.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 1:51 pm
by mr_sir
Have a look [url=""]here[/url] :)

It does appear as if they are probably part of a cut quest.

Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 2:57 pm
by jsf
Thanks. I wasn't sure what that was, as I'd never seen it before. For a moment I wondered if it was some aftermath of Nalia's stronghold quest, where we finally get to find out who was behind the troll invasion.

But I guess not. Dang.

Nevertheless, they're pushing up daisies. :D