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Casting Delay

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:25 pm
by Crenshinibon
Mkay. Today I played on Gamespy, and one of the players was a Wildmage.

He was casting spells, with no delay, and then, almost immediately recovering them. I'm positive that it wasn't Improved Alacrity that he was using.

I attempted to figure this out, and noticed that while you have Improved Alacrity on yourself, after every spell, there is another spell called Aura Cleansing.

This spell is in Shadowkeeper.

Does anyone have any idea as to how this player performed this?

Posted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 11:00 pm
by VonDondu
He might have used Shadowkeeper to put some illegal spells into his spellbook, namely Daer'Ragh's Mental Agility (MARW201) and Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing (MARW201). They can be cast like any other spell. There is also a spell called Daer'Ragh's Physical Agility (MARW301) which, if I'm not mistaken, removes the round delay between melee attacks and other physical activities. Giving your characters spells like that and using them in a multiplayer game is cheating, for those who care about such details. There might also be a way to give your character those effects permanently, but I have never explored that possibility.

A Gamebanshee member named Daxtreme asked a question in another thread titled "Irenicus' ownage video question *Low-lvl Spoiler*" in the Shadows of Amn forum, and I didn't have a chance to post a possible answer before the thread was closed by a moderator. The question was, how does Jon Irenicus cast spells without any spell delay? One member suggested that he was using Improved Alacrity, but that is clearly not the correct answer since that spell was not in the game when Shadows of Amn was released. However, Daer'Ragh's Mental Agility and Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing were in the original game, and my guess is that Irenicus was using them. It's possible that their sole purpose was to give Irenicus his godlike spellcasting ability. No one else suggested that, so I thought I would mention it here in a discussion about those very spells.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 7:34 am
by Sytze
If you're familiar with SK, I can explain how he's done it.

Create a game with a mage, no matter which one, then open up the saved game in SK. I believe you need go to the "Affects" tab. There you can add or edit effects. A simple way is to copy an effect, and then edit it.

The basic spellcasting speed is 10 and you can cast one spell per round. In the vanilla game, you can only get a casting speed of 5. This is aquired by the following: -4 through the Robe of vecan, and another -1 through the Amulet of Power. Modifaications (mods) to the game might allow a lower casting speed through abilities or added items.

Currently, I don't have access to SK, but if memory serves, an effect (or format, or flag) looks like this:
<Name effect>

If you give your character permanent Improved Alacrity, it will look like this:
Permanent Improved Alacrity

There are several other effects you could give your character. For example, you could give him permanent Timestop immunity, permanent Spell Turning, permanent Mantle, etc.

Disclaimer: the credit for this information goes to UserUnfriendly, who explained this all to me several years ago.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:27 am
by Crenshinibon
All right, thanks guys.

VonDondu, when you cast Improved Alacrity and then cast a spell, for the duration of Improved Alacrity, after each spell, your character will cast a spell which is visible on the dialogue box that's called Aura Cleansing. It looks as if the creators might have used that as the basis of the spell.

Thank you very much Sytze. That really helps.

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 10:53 am
by Masa
Irenicus also used "Rapture of the father" -able to kill 6 enemies with no regard to magic resistance or saving throws. Is that in the SK too?

Posted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 2:15 pm
by Rabain
Irenicus has a script, various scripts during each of his incarnations (its technically not the same Irenicus you meet at the beginning as at the end of the game, different creature file within the game).

These scripts have commands, one of the most common commands for nonparty characters is "ReallyForceSpell(O:Target,I:Spell*Spell)" where O:Target is an object as defined by the object.ids file within the game and where I:Spell is a spell as defined by the Identifier spell list within the file spell.ids.

ReallyForceSpell allows the game engine to cast any spell as listed with a casting time of zero. This works for Irenicus in cutscene because he doesn't need to decide what to cast he just needs to the cast a spell and quickly, otherwise half the scene would be the player waiting for him to finish casting.

The only times Ireniucs script uses the standard spellcasting timing is when the Player is in direct battle with Irenicus...even then his script isn't against using ReallyForceSpell to give him a bunch of protection spells immediately.

The developers didn't need to give him a spell that speeds up his casting they just created a command that allows the game engine to cast spells without being affected by the individual spells casting time.

Its the same method used by mods such as Tactics to dump a large number of protective spells on mages at the beginning of a battle.

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:54 am
by Sytze
For a less technical answer, here is what UU once did with his personal NPC.
UserUnfriendly wrote:sorceror kensai (with cleric and druid spells):speech:

it got so rediculous i've lost interest.

sorc kensai immune to timestop, perminent greater acuity, immune to imprisonment, all the paladin immunities, x9 backstab, deathbringer assault, hive mother beholder anti magic ray, instant spell refresh for the entire party, the best of the cleric and druid spell pool, use any item, the ability to cast spells during tensor's transformation and while wearing platemail, and partridge in a pear tree...

it was mostly an experiment to see how many unbalancing things i could was just too much, and boring after a while...:angel:
I wanted to link you to the thread where he explained it all, but it seems VonDondu posted in it as well, and even came up with an alternate solution. So if you want to give the ability to yourself and your party, Von would be the one to ask. :)

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 6:22 pm
by Crenshinibon
I was just curious how that player did that.

It also seems that the casting speed is prqctically gone.

I checked out the affects tab of Shadowkeeper and apparently enough the Acuity effect exists only for mages and sorcerors.

Do you think there is any way to give that effect to a bard or perhaps a cleric?

Also, this is kind of off topic, but I'm sure that you know that when a Simulacarum casts a summoning spell, the summon limit pf five is removed. Why is that? Do you know?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 2:39 am
by Sytze
Crenshinibon wrote:Do you think there is any way to give that effect to a bard or perhaps a cleric?
Yes. There is also an effect which gives -1 to casting speed, no matter the class you're playing with. A Ranger/Cleric, for example, will benefit from it in the same way a normal mage would.

Crenshinibon wrote:Also, this is kind of off topic, but I'm sure that you know that when a Simulacarum casts a summoning spell, the summon limit pf five is removed. Why is that? Do you know?
It is one of the (exploitable) engine bugs, which people at times thankfully use. I can't really tell you the reason why it actually is the way it is; that's a bit too technical for me. :)

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 8:57 am
by Crenshinibon
Alright. Thanks again Sytze.

Oh, when I looked at the Affects tab in ShadowKeeper, looking at a bard character, it was blank.

Are those elements located in some other place or are they just hidden?

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:33 pm
by [Generic]
Crenshinibon wrote:Alright. Thanks again Sytze.

Oh, when I looked at the Affects tab in ShadowKeeper, looking at a bard character, it was blank.

Are those elements located in some other place or are they just hidden?
I always had to wait until my character had some of the high-level abilities before I could see anything in that section. Then if I wanted my character to have a special affect of my choosing, I would just duplicate and edit one of the other affects.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 12:58 pm
by Sytze
I think it also depends on your character. A Kensai or Archer, for example, will gain an effect from around level three (around every three levels they get a +1 damage to attack) and therefore an effect will quickly be put in the effects tab. For a Bard or Mage, however, it might take longer to get an effect.

I'll take a closer look at it tomorrow, when I get home.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:14 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Time Stop Immunity
Type: 0x00000136
Param1: 0
Param2: 1
Flags: 0x00000001
Time: 0
Prob: 100
Target: 0x00000002

Permanent Spell Turning (all follow the above format, BTW)

(Second affect, must be added for the grand finale)

Permanent Improved Alacrity

Permanent Mantle (all four are different affects)




Effects Immunities (Here's the general affect, long list after)
# (put #'s from list here, for specific affects)

5 is Charm Specific Creature,
13 is Death,
24 is Horror,
25 is Poison,
38 is Silence,
40 is Slow,
45 is Stun,
55 is Slay Creature,
60 is Miscast Magic,
71 is Sex Change,
74 is Blindness,
76 is Feeblemindedness,
78 is Disease,
80 is (Deafness),
106 is Fail Morale,
109 is Hold,
114 is Can't Cast Spells,
128 is Confusion/Rigid Thinking/Fear,
134 is Petrification,
144 is Disable Buttons,
145 is Disable Spell Casting Abilities,
146 is Cast Spell (Mage/Cleric/etc.),
147 is Learn Spell,
148 is Cast Spell (Like Scrolls),
175 is Hold Creature Type,
209 is Kill 60HP,
210 is Stun 90HP,
211 is Imprisonment,
213 is Maze,
216 is Level Drain,
217 is Unconsciousness 20 HP,
221 is Remove Spell Protections,
230 is Remove Magical Protections,
231 is Time Stop,
235 is Wing Buffet,
238 is Disintegrate,
240 is Remove Physical Protections,
241 is Control Creature,
244 is Drain Wizard Spell,
263 is Backstab (this actually resets backstab to x1),
264 is Drop Weapons in Panic,
272 is Summon Insects/Insect Plague/Creeping Doom,

:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

the trick is to test, test and test stuff out...and figure stuff out yourself. that's fun...(until you figure out everything...sigh...then it is no longer fun)


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:18 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Sytze wrote:I think it also depends on your character. A Kensai or Archer, for example, will gain an effect from around level three (around every three levels they get a +1 damage to attack) and therefore an effect will quickly be put in the effects tab. For a Bard or Mage, however, it might take longer to get an effect.

I'll take a closer look at it tomorrow, when I get home.

bard, basic warrior, mage, sorc...etc will only get an affects line when they get a

1) class specific feat like rage for berserker
2) or a button, like a high level ability. ;)

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:43 pm
by Crenshinibon
Oh my!

That is... wow! Just... wow!

Thanks a lot UserUnfriendly!

Ooooh, I haven't used Linux in a while.

Did you really figure all that out through trial and error? That is amazing!

I do a bit of modding for Neverwinter Nights, so I know a bit as the toolset seems to be Java oriented but here, as you said, to guess and check seems to be the only way.

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 4:46 pm
by UserUnfriendly
Crenshinibon wrote:Oh my!

That is... wow! Just... wow!

Thanks a lot UserUnfriendly!

Ooooh, I haven't used Linux in a while.

Did you really figure all that out through trial and error? That is amazing!

I do a bit of modding for Neverwinter Nights, so I know a bit as the toolset seems to be Java oriented but here, as you said, to guess and check seems to be the only way.
linux? that's all in shadowkeeper...

the information i got from browsing the old shadowkeeper forums, actually USING them will be highly tricky. you don't need anything other than shadowkeeper for all these cheats.


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 9:35 pm
by Crenshinibon
Oh, I was reffering to your avatar, it's the symbol of Linux... only with extra clothes.

Cheats? I was just curious.

As if the game didn't leave enough cheesing room.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 7:07 pm
by Daxtreme
VonDondu wrote:He might have used Shadowkeeper to put some illegal spells into his spellbook, namely Daer'Ragh's Mental Agility (MARW201) and Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing (MARW201). They can be cast like any other spell. There is also a spell called Daer'Ragh's Physical Agility (MARW301) which, if I'm not mistaken, removes the round delay between melee attacks and other physical activities. Giving your characters spells like that and using them in a multiplayer game is cheating, for those who care about such details. There might also be a way to give your character those effects permanently, but I have never explored that possibility.

A Gamebanshee member named Daxtreme asked a question in another thread titled "Irenicus' ownage video question *Low-lvl Spoiler*" in the Shadows of Amn forum, and I didn't have a chance to post a possible answer before the thread was closed by a moderator. The question was, how does Jon Irenicus cast spells without any spell delay? One member suggested that he was using Improved Alacrity, but that is clearly not the correct answer since that spell was not in the game when Shadows of Amn was released. However, Daer'Ragh's Mental Agility and Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing were in the original game, and my guess is that Irenicus was using them. It's possible that their sole purpose was to give Irenicus his godlike spellcasting ability. No one else suggested that, so I thought I would mention it here in a discussion about those very spells.

Ya it's me :P

So, If I'm correct, Improved Alacrity and Daer'Ragh's Aura Cleansing share the same effects?

Also, another short question: Is Improved Alacrity hard to find or is it on your path ? I don't wish to miss it :)

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:21 am
by Crenshinibon
If you are talking about recieving the spell within the game, then it's is impossible to miss.

Only mages and sorceres, or any combination that has a mage in it, gets it as an epic spell, or a quest level spell when they hit a cetain level.

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 12:11 am
by Daxtreme
I see.

Thanks :)