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Help what do i do when im grandmaster of great house

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:58 pm
by gog999999
???? please

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:01 pm
by fable
Nothing. When you're grandmaster, you get no extra benefits. Stinks, huh?

But if you have the PC version of the game, and can run mods, there are some that add perks upon reaching grandmaster level. Are you on the PC side, or xbox?

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:01 pm
by dragon wench
Care to be more specific?

If you are Grandmaster, then basically, that's it, you're done.

never mind, see above for a better answer ;)

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:04 pm
by gog999999
have pc

im grandmaster of hlaala what are mods

Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 3:08 pm
by fable
Are you on the PC side, or xbox? On the PC side, you can use mods, which you'd download and run along with the game. They modify the code in some way, adding or changing the game. There are at last count 5000+ mods for Morrowind, doing everything from adding player houses to extensive quest systems, to extras for grandmasters.

There are several mods that improve the Hlaalu stronghold you get, and a couple that allow you to command members in your group.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 11:33 am
by triline beta
I think gog999999 has the pc version, the title on their last post says "Have pc".