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[spoilerific] questions about character development and how they effect the game

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:00 pm
by Revenant
hey, first time posting, but my 10th or so time through the game. I've played the game through several times as light and dark side, and went different paths each time to try and see how each choice effects the game/ending. My questions are below in spoiler tag. This time through I am a light side character.

1.)what difference does it make if I choose not to train handmaiden? will it make atris not fall to the dark side at the end? Because I've trained her every other time and when I do kreia says it's the beginning of the end. Basically, is it worth it at all to not train her?

2.)at what planet or at what level exactly does kreia give you your prestige class? I'm level whoring right now (not levelling up to save my level ups for my prestige class when I get it) but I'm starting to have a hard time in fights and I would like to know how long it's going to take. I'm on nar shadaa right now, and it's the only planet i've been to since telos. I'm also level 14 jedi consular, looking for my master class.

also on a side note, for some reason bao dur won't let me complete the crafting a lightsaber quest sometimes. my last run I had all the parts but he said I still needed a lens, and then once I found a lightsaber, the option to finish the quest never appeared again in dialogue. Is this a bug, or is there a time limit or some trigger that I've messed up? I don't want it to happen this time through.
thanks for any help you guys can offer.


Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:30 pm
by Leet

for the 1st question, this is my 5th time playing and ive never trained the handmaiden to a jedi and atris still turned ds for me, i think no matter wat atris will go darkside, unless thers a way i dont know.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 6:09 pm
by Revenant
response in spoiler tag below:
ok, thanks for the tip. I'll go ahead and train her then, because she's one of the strongest party members IMHO as a guardian. I was trying to see if there was any way I could redeem atris at the end, but I guess the game's hardwired against that.

damn I love this game.... it's like computer crack :P the only thing missing is a mulitplayer element ala neverwinter nights.

anyone else have any ideas about the crafting a lightsaber quest?

also, I just found out that I have to be at level 15 to get my prestige class. :P sorry for asking a question that had already been answered.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 8:03 pm
by Zefie
You get your prestige class at level 15.

Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 9:19 pm
by DesR85
Hi, welcome to the forums, Revenant. :)
Revenant wrote:
also on a side note, for some reason bao dur won't let me complete the crafting a lightsaber quest sometimes. my last run I had all the parts but he said I still needed a lens, and then once I found a lightsaber, the option to finish the quest never appeared again in dialogue. Is this a bug, or is there a time limit or some trigger that I've messed up? I don't want it to happen this time through.
Spoilers, please highlight:
Are you sure you managed to find all the lightsaber parts? One of the lightsaber parts can be found in Telos and the rest are in whatever planet you choose to visit after Telos. I suggest looking at the walkthrough here as it's very detailed as to the exact location for the rest of the lightsaber parts. I managed to get all the lightsaber parts while I was in Dxun and got Bao-Dur to craft it. As for the second question, I think you must've messed up the trigger after you get a lightsaber.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 6:23 am
by Alcina
The places where you get the lightsaber parts are (highlight for info):

Energy Cell:At the end of Telos Station, once you've been told you can use a shuttle. If you help Czerka, they give it to you, if you help the ithorians, it comes from them

Emitter: comnes from Visas. Once you leave the Ebon Hawk for the first time after leaving the Academy, you'll find her on board the next time you enter. When you defeat her you receive the emitter. Note however, that she will only be there if you are quite strongly Light ot Dark; if you're neutral she doesn't show up, and you can't make a saber. I've been told that if you are a Grey Jedi you het your emitter on your third planet, but have never tested it

Lens: can be obtained on the first planet you visit after the Telos Academy, as follows:
Naa Shadaa:either from robbing Vogga the Hutt's strongroom, or from wantonly murdering Lootra
Onderon:on the Dxun moon. While you're killing all those cannocks for the parts inside them, you'll find the lens in one of them
Korriban:on the fead body of Master Vash

Remeber you will also need a colour crystal, which you will need to buy from a trader (most carry at least one), as you probably won't have found one yet.

Once you have these you will need to (highlight) speak to Bao Dur before you find another saber. In spite of what it says, you don't need to be anywhere near a workbench.

Posted: Thu Aug 31, 2006 1:17 pm
by Revenant
I think you misunderstood what I meant, I had found all three parts, but in dialogue bao dur kept telling me that I still needed the lens, even though the lens was in my inventory. I think the problem was because I had found a lightsaber before I went back to the ebon hawk so he could craft it for me. And no, the lens I'm talking about wasn't an upgrade item, it was the fixture... the quest worked fine the first couple of times through but this last time I must've broken some trigger in the game or something..

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 3:13 am
by Alcina
Revenant wrote:I think the problem was because I had found a lightsaber before I went back to the ebon hawk so he could craft it for me.
I think that's it. I usually swap Bao-Dur into my party as soon as I've got the parts, to be on the safe side (you don't need to be on the Ebon Hawk to craft it, btw)

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 9:36 am
by triline beta
Revenant wrote:I think you misunderstood what I meant, I had found all three parts, but in dialogue bao dur kept telling me that I still needed the lens, even though the lens was in my inventory. I think the problem was because I had found a lightsaber before I went back to the ebon hawk so he could craft it for me. And no, the lens I'm talking about wasn't an upgrade item, it was the fixture... the quest worked fine the first couple of times through but this last time I must've broken some trigger in the game or something..
You didnt make the lens yourself, did you?

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2006 4:18 pm
by Revenant
no, it wasn't an upgrade item that I could make via a workbench.

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 3:53 pm
by Sith Dog
But I have made a lightsaber out of the parts after getting a lightsaber! :)