Several problems, mirrors and werewolves
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 1:28 pm
Hey all, I'm brand-new to this game and LOVING it, but I have a problem and also a few questions that maybe some of you can help me with.
The problem, first and foremost, is this: my party has just killed the werewolves behind the Iuz mirror on temple level two, after several attempts (party slain, reloaded save, you get it), but somehow at the end of combat the mirror itself became a combatant, although the mirror just takes a long time and then does nothing in the turn sequence. I can't seem to hit the thing, and I've tried ending the combat by casting area-effect spells (dispel magic, fireball, sound burst), just to do ANYTHING. Nothing. Then I ran all over this level (TURN-BASED, mind you: VERY, VERY ANNOYING) to get away from it and maybe to end combat. Is this a bug or am I missing something here???
Which brings me to a few questions:
1. Is there a way to end combat manually, without killing everything on the screen? The manual says that keyboard command 'C' is to TOGGLE combat, but it doesn't TOGGLE off...
2. I just bought this game (jewel box edition, from a retailer for a STEAL of a price), and was wondering what version I had, if Atari put ToEE out with any newer patches already installed. I haven't had any problems with looting (except for those pesky NPC's getting first pick!!), only with the colored tabs for quick inventory/weapon changes (they haven't worked since Hommlet/Lv2 chars). Does the game display which version you're running anywhere in it?
That's all I can think of right now, any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated.
The problem, first and foremost, is this: my party has just killed the werewolves behind the Iuz mirror on temple level two, after several attempts (party slain, reloaded save, you get it), but somehow at the end of combat the mirror itself became a combatant, although the mirror just takes a long time and then does nothing in the turn sequence. I can't seem to hit the thing, and I've tried ending the combat by casting area-effect spells (dispel magic, fireball, sound burst), just to do ANYTHING. Nothing. Then I ran all over this level (TURN-BASED, mind you: VERY, VERY ANNOYING) to get away from it and maybe to end combat. Is this a bug or am I missing something here???
Which brings me to a few questions:
1. Is there a way to end combat manually, without killing everything on the screen? The manual says that keyboard command 'C' is to TOGGLE combat, but it doesn't TOGGLE off...
2. I just bought this game (jewel box edition, from a retailer for a STEAL of a price), and was wondering what version I had, if Atari put ToEE out with any newer patches already installed. I haven't had any problems with looting (except for those pesky NPC's getting first pick!!), only with the colored tabs for quick inventory/weapon changes (they haven't worked since Hommlet/Lv2 chars). Does the game display which version you're running anywhere in it?
That's all I can think of right now, any and all help would be GREATLY appreciated.