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Questions about my F/T

Posted: Sun Sep 03, 2006 2:50 pm
by Horus
My PC is a dwarven Fighter/Thief multiclass with 20 con which he has had from the beginning of the game. (I used SK to simulate taking him through BG1)

Right now he's a level 11 Fighter and 14 Thief but has only 109 hitpoints which I find a bit low, could this be too low? (I reloaded several times on each level up but since level 10 he's always getting only 1 HP per level.)

Secondly, his set trap value is only 15%, this too seems very low, is it?

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:14 am
by Horus
Hmm, maybe that was a bit vague, what I mean is: did the game screw me over? (In that case I will use SK to edit in the extra HP)

Also, I am having some trouble with the latest ease of use mod, the 'NPC happy' component doesn't work. I have posted this in the weidu forums but those are basically dead so I was wondering if anyone here can help? (When my rep get over 18 Korgan and Edwin leave even though I have the component and all romance components installed.)

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 10:51 am
by Armycardinal
@ Horus
My PC is a dwarven Fighter/Thief multiclass with 20 con which he has had from the beginning of the game. (I used SK to simulate taking him through BG1)

Right now he's a level 11 Fighter and 14 Thief but has only 109 hitpoints which I find a bit low, could this be too low? (I reloaded several times on each level up but since level 10 he's always getting only 1 HP per level.)

Secondly, his set trap value is only 15%, this too seems very low, is it?
Don't dwarves get a penalty in some thieving skills? (Lower Dex, etc.) I looked in the game manual, but didn't find anything specific.
Also, after a certain level, the chart only says you get x+3, x+6, x+9, etc. for HP progression. I forget the exact AD&D rule (it has been a while since I played :p ), but you don't get both HP bonuses. I never questioned why you only get +1 HP for multi-classed characters.

So, I guess, the answer is YES. The game screwed you over.

Of course, like you said, SK can change all that for you. :D

I have no idea on your mod question - don't use them. Sorry.


Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 11:54 am
by Raven_Song
The Ease of Use Mod has now been incorporated into G3Tweak Pack (surprisingly over at the The Gibberlings 3) you could try downloading that and seeing if that makes any difference.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 12:10 pm
by kmonster
A fighter11/thief14 with 20 con could have up to 128 HP depending on the HP rolls at level up. 109 is still above average if you use random rolls.
After fighter level 9 and thief 10 you don't get a con bonus. HPs aren't rolled any more, you only get the fixed amount of HP (1 per level up in your case).

When you level up you have to invest the gained skill points in trapsetting. The value won't increase otherwise.

Do other EoU components work for you ? Do you have a .2da file which handles the happiness of party members in your BG2 override folder ? If yes you can edit the file manually with notepad, if no, the component wasn't installed.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:45 am
by Horus
Thanks everyone for the help so far. :)
kmonster wrote:HPs aren't rolled any more, you only get the fixed amount of HP (1 per level up in your case).

When you level up you have to invest the gained skill points in trapsetting. The value won't increase otherwise.

Do other EoU components work for you ? Do you have a .2da file which handles the happiness of party members in your BG2 override folder ? If yes you can edit the file manually with notepad, if no, the component wasn't installed.
Isn't it strange that Korgan gets 3-4 HP's on level up while my PC character with 20 con gets only one.. :rolleyes:
I understand why now but it still makes no sense. So I gave myself some extra HP's, might do it again. :)

I can't put points in trapsetting, only in trapdisarming. The number seems fixed at 15%.

The other components of EoU work fine, but this component hasn't worked on my last 3 installs and I read some posts from other ppl that had trouble with it too. This is my Happy.2DA file:

2DA V1.0
1 0 0 80
2 0 0 80
3 0 0 80
4 0 0 80
5 0 0 80
6 0 0 80
7 0 0 0
8 0 0 0
9 0 0 0
10 0 0 0
11 0 0 0
12 0 0 0
13 80 0 -80
14 80 0 -80
15 80 0 -80
16 80 0 -160
17 80 0 -160
18 80 0 -160
19 80 0 -300
20 80 0 -300

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:11 am
by VonDondu
Horus, I don't know if the game "screwed you over". Hit point rolls are supposed to be random if you play on Core Rules or higher, so you won't get maximum hit points unless you reload every time you level up. If you want maximum hit points without reloading when you level up, then set the difficulty slider to Normal. I think the only difference between Normal and Core Rules is that the former gives you maximum hit points and the latter gives you random hit points. Of course, at this point it won't make any difference for your current character.

The second issue is that characters have "hit dice". For example, Fighters have nine hit dice, which means they "roll" for hit points for their first nine levels, and then they get 3 hit points per level after that. Thieves have ten hit dice, and they get 2 hit points per level after that. The Constitution bonus only applies to the first nine or ten levels. Take Korgan, for example. He has up to 90 points for his hit dice, plus 45 points for his Constitution bonus (9 x 5), plus 3 points per level for 10th level and above. At 15th level, the maximum number of hit points for a Fighter is 153. Korgan actually has about 20 points less than that because the game designers didn't give the NPCs maximum hit points.

Multi-class characters get a full Constitution bonus, but every time they level up in one class, they get half of the hit points a single-class character would get. For example, you started with a 6th Level Fighter/7th Level Thief with 89,000 experience points. The Fighter half contributed 45 hit points to your hit point total (6 times 10+5 divided by 2). The Thief half contributed 46 hit points to your hit point total (7 times 8+5 divided by 2, rounded up by half a point). So your character started with 91 hit points IF he had maximum hit points.

I don't know if this chart will appear correctly, but here's how the hit points added up:

XP/Level/Hit points
89,000 6/7 91 (MAX)
128,000 7/7 99 (+7.5 rounded up to +8)
140,000 7/8 104 (+5.5 rounded down to +5)
220,000 7/9 110 (+5.5 rounded up to +6)
250,000 8/9 117 (+7.5 rounded down to +7)
320,000 8/10 123 (+5.5 rounded up to +6)
440,000 8/11 124 (+1)
500,000 9/11 129 (+5.5 rounded down to +5)
880,000 9/12 130 (+1)
1,000,000 10/12 131 (+1)
1,320,000 10/13 132 (+1)
1,500,000 11/13 133 (+1)
1,760,000 11/14 134 (+1)

So right now, the maximum number of hit points your character should have (playing on the Normal setting instead of Core Rules or higher) is 134. If you're giving yourself extra hit points, you're not playing on Core Rules. Compared to a 15th Level Fighter with about the same amount of experience who has 154 maximum hit points or an NPC who doesn't have maximum hit points, 134 is pretty good. Even 109 isn't bad compared to Korgan's 133. You have to put this in perspective.

The reason why you only get 1 hit point every time you level up is because your character has no more hit dice and you're getting half of what a single-class character would get. Thieves get 2 hp ler level after 10th Level, so a multi-class Thief gets 1 hp per level. That's fair, isn't it? The only thing that isn't "fair" is that the game always rounds down to 1 hp when you get your Fighter hit points for 10th Level and above, instead of giving you 1.5 hps (half of 3). But keep in mind that you got a full 5 point Constitution bonus for your Thief hit dice instead of 2 points like a single-class Thief receives, so you're already ahead of the game.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 10:26 am
by Horus
Thanks for the very clear explanation VonDondu, it makes a lot more sense now. I did not give myself a great deal of hitpoints. At level F17/T21 I had 135 which isn't all that much. (Korgan had 168 at that point.) I'm in hell now and have taken the +15 HP and the +2 Con and am happy with the 160 or so HP I now have. :)

I have a new question though; my attacks per round were only 7/2 and so were Korgan's. We are both wielding weapons we have grand mastery in and I have the restored grandmastery mod installed. I'm quite sure I remember Korgan having 4 attacks/round at some point earlier so it seems strange things are going on. We should both have 4 attacks per round, right? Also, Mazzy now has 9/2 attacks with the gesen bow. :eek: