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The Best Way To Complete The Final Battle!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 8:04 am
by nortong15
easiest and hopefully quickest way to defeat jack as a dragon is to max out all your strength attributes (toughness, health and strength) get at least lvl 3 beserk and bout 50 health and 50 mana pot (to be safe :) ) then battle him, all that rubbish about taking over 1000 hits is not true unluss you have done what ive said....feel free to post if you have a better solution :) thanks

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:51 am
by DesR85
(Spoilers, please highlight)
I think you may need more than 50 mana potions, given that this dragon will do strafing runs that will straight away dip your mana all the way to zero should you have physical shield on. Not to mention dealing with summoned monsters that will appear at certain points during the fight. Very frustrating as I ran out of mana potions and have to resort to health potions. Was fighting like crazy with just melee and range combat until I managed to kill him off. Lucky me.

Posted: Tue Sep 05, 2006 10:54 am
by Turkey Chaser
dude,by the time you get there you have all skills maxed.

and dont forget you can shoot him with a bow while hes hovering (you dont have to be all melee to defeat him y'now ;)