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"My weapon is not working"

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:43 am
by Chippox of Doom
Hi, im currently playing a kensai, with dual Katanas, and im having ALOT of encounters were i cant hit at all.

Ive usually just been using korgan as tanking monsters and been relying too much on magic damage etc to notice in my previous games, but is this common? My current party relys alot on weapon damage and what spells makes weapons hit?

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:51 am
by DaemonJ
There are some creatures that cannot be damaged by certain weapon types. For example, clay golems can only be damaged by blunt weapons. As such you can swing a sword at him all day and he won't take any damage until you start swinging a staff or hammer.

Most liches and magic-using intelligent creatures will cast spells like "Protection from Magical Weapons" or "Protection from Normal Missiles", which prevents those weapons from doing any damage to them. You have to wait until the spell wears off or you are able to Dispell or Breach that spell in order to be able to attack them and do damage.

Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:38 pm
by Deadalready
Usually a person will yell "Weapon Ineffective" if their weapon isn't good enough (or part of it) to injure an opponent. The above post best describes what's happening.

Personally it sounds like your character is using poor weapons, if I'm correct I'm thinking you're just using normal ones (not +1, +2 or enchanted ones). Still there's not many katanas available in the game that are worth using save the "Celestial Fury" but that still leaves a bit of investment for little return really.

Your choice though.