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two weapon fighting
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:30 pm
by vitosqueo
trying to understand this. you need these feats :two weapon fighting, ambidexterity, and weapon finess. also having a short sword or dagger in your off hand will give you the least penalties and your other hand it really doesn't matter. is that correct? but if you have ambidexterity do you have a off-hand. so can you carry anything in either hand?
what about your armor does it matter if you have light or heavy?
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 1:44 pm
by mr_sir
Two weapon fighting reduces the penalties for using two weapons at once. Ambidexterity reduces these penalties further, and having a smaller off hand weapon further reduces them. If you do all 3, there will practically be no penalty for using two weapons so the benefits will stand out a lot more.
Heavy and light armour depend on who is wearing it. Light armour offers bonuses to AC due to dexterity, whereas heavy negates this. However heavy offers more protection on its own. Also certain classes, such as thieves, cannot wear heavy armour as it restricts their movement too much. IMO, heavy armour works best on fighter type characters with quite low dexterity.
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:42 pm
by vitosqueo
what about this?
but can a character with heavy armor do two weapon fighting just as well as a character with light armor?
Posted: Wed Sep 06, 2006 4:48 pm
by Crenshinibon
Yes, he can.
However, a ranger starts with Two Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats under the condition that he must wear light armor in order to keep them active.
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 9:00 am
by silverdragon72
and exactly for this reason 2 fighter level (including 2 bonus feats) are much better for 2-WF then the ranger level!
The fighter will keep this feats also with medium or heavy armor, especially as there is a very good medium armor in the game)
but have a look at the sticky powergaming guide, most of your party-related questions will find an answer there!
Posted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 4:28 pm
by Jelaweb
You can put any weapon in either hand. However, to reduce the penalties the most, the off-hand must be light (dagger, short sword or handaxe).
You only need Weapon Finesse if your Dexterity is higher than your Strength. It seems quite pointless to choose this feat, if carry a "normal" main-hand weapon and a small (light) off-hand weapon, as it only affects small weapons.
If you are looking to damage opponents, you are better off with a higher STR, as Weapon Finesse does not add DEX bonus to damage. So if you have a higher DEX and DO want 2 small weapons AND want to cause damage, the best weapons are probably the wounding/poison/vampiric ones.