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Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 12:46 am
by polaris
What's the fascination? Because when all is said and done, this is a simple computer game and like all such games, it is worthwhile to examine what strategies work best and what don't.

Please do not think that a CRPG is a 'real' RPG. It isn't and will not be for a very long time yet.

If you want to get 'in character', then get up, join some friends and do a PnP game.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 12:53 am
by Arocle
If you want to get in character you can do what ever you want even in BG2. I hate playing with the most pumped up parties and characters and prefer the more interesting ones. Whatever makes one happy, one should do that. :p

CRPG isn't a real RPG, but you can make it much more so if you let your imagination loose.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:00 am
by polaris

Well, whatever. I actually can see and appreciate the challenge of deliberately playing with 'sub-optimal' characters....but understand that the plot is linear, the scripts are stilted, and there are no real 'consequences' built into your actions except at predetermined (and rather obvious) points.

In short, if you want to RP, get off the computer, get together with your friends, and RP. A CPRG is simply a board game. A very interesting, addictive, and fun board-game YES, but in all a board game.


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:25 am
by Astafas
I agree with you, Underdog. I find it ridiculous with a Berserker dual wielding Crom Fayer and Celestial Fury, for example. I usually let Jaheria wear Ankheg Plate the whole game - not the best armor but makes sense to me. A personal choise, though.

After a few times through the game with what I though was the "strongest parties", I wanted to make such a weak party as possible. At this time (beginning of the year), most people on this board seemed to think that Anomen, Cernd, Haer'Dalis and Nalia were more or less worthless. So they were included, of course. Valygar, with his armor restrictions, wasn't that popular either. So I played I few times with these NPCs in different combinations (including Jan, of course - never leave home without your gnome, as Mum use to say). And I had a totally different experience from what I expected. These NPCs were great! Not at all "weak" as I first though. And I ended up with NPCs I really cared about, too.

As for CRPGs not being real RPGs... Well, they are real RPGs for me, at least.

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: Astafas ]

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 1:30 am
by Arocle
Actually, I play D&D and BLue Planet quite frequently and play them with much more focus on storytelling than rules. Baldur's Gates are CRPGs, not RPGs, but I want to make them as much RP as I can and but some restrictions to the characters, as you do in RPG. If you like playing with the most pumped-up parties, be my guest. I you have fun with them game like that, then yuo should do so, but don't expect that everyone is there just to beat the game as soon as possible. :p

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 2:04 am
by Cynik
For me the look and feel is the most important wich made playing BG2 a bit complicated. I loved my thief/necromacer from BG1 cause I thought he looked cool in the hood and he was pretty awesome to boot.

Imagine my dismay when I started Bg2 and the graphics were changed, now a naked thief looks ...naked. The figher/wiz is even worse.

Now in ToB I can look like I want to if I play a mage23/thief24 (use any item + valygars armor) but that is only at the cap. :-(

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 3:11 am
by Astafas
Originally posted by Cynik:
<STRONG>For me the look and feel is the most important wich made playing BG2 a bit complicated. I loved my thief/necromacer from BG1 cause I thought he looked cool in the hood and he was pretty awesome to boot.

Imagine my dismay when I started Bg2 and the graphics were changed, now a naked thief looks ...naked. The figher/wiz is even worse.

Now in ToB I can look like I want to if I play a mage23/thief24 (use any item + valygars armor) but that is only at the cap. :-(</STRONG>
Why not change the avatar to that of a mage? Looks much better and will change apparence with the different mage robes.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 3:16 am
by PDF
As a very ancient PnP D&D player (from '82 to 90 approx) I can tell that "powergamers" didn't come with the "C" versions of RPGs !!
There always were people wanting to have the most powerful/richest/beautifulest PCs.
Ok, in PnP play they were limited by the fact that there were others to see them, so noone dared appear with 18+ stats in all characteristics :eek: !!
However in my time there were lot of dual Druids/Mages, higher proportion of 18/90+ strength or psionics that statistics could allow :) etc....
And there were also more "roleplay" types enjoying playing more common characters and not-so-powerful classes.
All is a matter of taste ;D

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2001 12:16 pm
by Xyx
Originally posted by Underdog:
<STRONG>I mean many of the encounters in the game are somewhat easy as it is and the harder ones are only fun if they offer a challenge.</STRONG>
So, if I understand correctly, you say that the game is way too easy, and that players should purposefully shoot themselves in the foot in order to enjoy the game?

Don't get me wrong; I agree that the game might have been harder. However, lessening your chances for survival is not something that comes natural to sane people. Only after you've been through the game at least once will you have a good grasp of the challenge level, and be able to make a conscious decision to increase that level.

When I play PnP, I opt for survival. This obviously translates into power gaming most of the time. This is not because I like to play powerful characters (I enjoy low level play most), but because I feel more comfortable roleplaying that way. After all, in PnP you do not get the benefit of advance knowledge, nor the assurance that you will only face easy challenges.