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How To Get Good Guns
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 3:23 pm
by vault-13
how do i get some proper decent guns i have already been to the gun shop in oldtown hub but i want some sub-machine guns e.t.c. something that will kill quickly and cause a bloody mess (which is already one of my traits)
Posted: Tue Sep 12, 2006 8:18 pm
by Foss
The Boneyard has a group of gunmen to the east that you can buy some heavy guns from.
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 2:27 am
by Mr. Pastorius
Have your energy weapons and big guns skills tagged, I made a mistake by tagging small guns and ended fighting the Master with a Sniper Rifle.
And, as Foss already said, the Gun Runners in Boneyard have the best weapons you can get in the game.
You'll just have to fight several deathclaws to get to them since there's a deathclaw nest between them and the rest of the Boneyard.
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 9:40 am
by Malta Soron
But if you tag both Energy Weapons and Big Guns, you'll have trouble at the start of the game, when you only can use small guns. In my experience it's perfectly doable to only tag Small Guns and build up Energy Weapons and/or Big Guns during the game. When you'll get acces to them, your skills will be high enough.
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:06 am
by Mr. Pastorius
Malta Soron wrote:But if you tag both Energy Weapons and Big Guns, you'll have trouble at the start of the game, when you only can use small guns. In my experience it's perfectly doable to only tag Small Guns and build up Energy Weapons and/or Big Guns during the game. When you'll get acces to them, your skills will be high enough.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I tagged Melee weapons too.
Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 10:29 am
by Malta Soron
OK, that explains
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 12:44 am
by kamilos-55
Some sort of good guns and stuffs You may find in GLOW too.
Like: Rocket Louncher - My favorite weapon
Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:32 am
by Therion
Well, as it is, Old Town has a nice supply of weapons which could last you a long time. I generally consider most before Old Town to be, shall we say, early game items for the player character (regular guns, uzis, knives) and some of which carry over to mid-game (the desert eagle and the shotgun, for example). Generally Old Town's gun store offers replacement for whatever you're using (Like the combat shotgun replacing the shotgun and the 14mm pistol or (preferably) the .223 pistol which replace the desert eagle) not sure, I tend to use weapons requiring small guns and energy weapons).
As said, the Boneyard Gunrunners offer weapons which are better as do other places. The big mutants often carry big guns (the miniguns they carry seem like the thing for you. Heavy firepower!), which you may find (if I recall correctly) in the necropolis for the first time.
The one upgrade for the minigun, at least in style, has to be the Gatling Laser. Also, look around Adytum to upgrade a few select pieces of equipment (weapons and armour).