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Stargazer setup in Single Player, is it worth it?

Posted: Fri Sep 15, 2006 12:56 am
by Planet_Guardian
Female Elf, projected build: Fighter/Adapt/Celestial/Enchantress/Stargazer.

Currently she's at Lv9 Fighter/Adapt/Celestial...

weapons: Lt. Weapon5
armor: Parry3, Lt.Armor5
general:Athletics1, Scout2, Bargain1

I listed my stats, but they aren't really important to what I want to address. I just wanted to ask how important does anyone think a celestial magic-user is in Single Player? As some AoE healing spells would be beneficial for healing multiple players in a multiplayer session, but I don't play Multiplayer...and I hear its more so bugged than single player. Will "Lv5Lightning" and "Lv3Solar Ray" be powerful enough to use them as I would like to play more of a long range magic user. But, I see that many of its spells (and its diabolic skill, "Iron Will")...make it so that the Stargazer can tank without damage. Would it be more beneficial to use "Lv7Divine Strike" for melee offense and not use any defense magic, ie: "Lv10Divine Grace", "Lv9Illusiary Visage", "Lv8Regeneration", "Lv9Divine Intervention", "Lv2Divine Radiance" at all? As Divine Grace would take the fun out of the game, seeing how you take no damage when Divine Grace is active. And on top of the spells, if "Iron Will" was taken up high along with the "Protector Herald" (+10%damage reduction) I get from the Enchantress 2nd can you possibly even get damaged in this game.

It would almost seem like this character would pwn in a multiplayer duel PvP.
It's just too much defense in both heralds, diabolic skill, and in spells.

Has anyone tried the Fighter/Adapt/Celestial/Enchantress/Stargazer build?
It just seems like it might be no fun. With a Mage/?????/Sorcerer/ Enchantress/Wizard build you may not have very good defensive skills, but nothing gets near you before you nuke them to death. With melee builds you hack and slash, get beaten up some, but you have good defense. But, the ???????/Adapt/Celestial/Enchantress/Stargazer build just seems like you could leave your character standing alone up at Moonbeast Island on (Difficulty Mode:Hard, Frequency Mode:Hard)...and walk away from the pc for 10 minutes with about 9 Moonbeasts flailing on this character...and this character would still be near full health. Is it insane to want to have this kind of character?

Well, I'm going to keep playing it...just wondered if anyone else tried it before as I would like to know what they felt about it.


Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:12 am
by SSJ3Kirby500

AoE healing is useless in single player (and heals less than the normal caster-only-effect Healing crystal anyway), the normal lvl 1 Healing Crystal is invaluable, though you've gotta watch out for the delay. Divine Strike adds dmg and strike bonuses against undead and spirits, not normal stuff (and lvl 4 crystal for Dispel Evil works wonders against hordes of undead). Solar Ray is useless, Lightning's damage only gets so high unless you get ridiculously high INT, and Illusionary Visage doesn't work. The Diabolic skill "Iron Will" doesn't prevent damage at all, it just keeps you from flinching so your attacks/spells don't get canceled. Lastly, that 10% dmg reduction from the Protector Heraldry only helps so much, specifically against a few heavy dmg enemies. Swarms (which come along much more often in DL) consisting of low-dmg guys can still beat your face in. But then again, that's what you've got Iron Will for, right? :D

Basically, Celestial is better for buffing/healing, tanking, or summoning (if you really feel like it) than direct damage casting.

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 5:49 pm
by Planet_Guardian
SSJ3Kirby500 wrote:...Lightning's damage only gets so high unless you get ridiculously high INT...
Yeah, I gots me a Lv.12,female I will try to raise her Intelligence up to 140-150 and maybe even higher, eventually. Currently her intelligence is sitting at 95 and Celestial magic is at 5...until I get both Enchantress and Celestial 2nd tier classes I won't bother raising Celestial Magic skill beyond level 5. (I'm currently fighting Iceworms and Boroloths in the Northern Steppes to build up ADV points before venturing off to Arindale to get my Enchantress 2nd tier available). And I gots me Adapt, Enchantress, Celestial, and Stargazer classes to give me "learning bonuses" to "Celestial magic skill" to up my damage, eventually. I already knew at best it would be a moderate mage in terms of spell damage...seeing how the most powerful magic build in the game would be an female elf: Mage/?????/Sorcerer/ Enchantress/Wizard...using high level Mage spells for raw damage and the Diabolic skill "Spellfire".

SSJ3Kirby500 wrote:Basically, Celestial is better for buffing/healing, tanking, or summoning (if you really feel like it) than direct damage casting.
Yeah, I had this on my mind...but, seeing how I'm trying to make every possible character build...I still had to try it.

Thanks for your input and for confirming that "Iron Will" does not reduce damage but rather reduces flinching.
SSJ3Kirby500 wrote:Anyway, I hope this helps.
Yep, it confirms my suspicions and my previous thoughts. Thanks.


Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 9:35 pm
by Planet_Guardian
Bored to Death. I gave up playing Stargazer build last week [might come back to it later on]. I can see the Stargazer's merits in Multiplayer as the Support character who can tank, but in Single Player...its like playing a weaker mage that can tank. Melee ain't so hot and combat long distance spells are weak. And using the Lv 9 Divine Intervention Summon is a joke as the Stargazers defenses are meant to be in the thick of things, and that summon is just way too powerful. (But, I dislike the summons in this game anyways, so I'm kind of partial). I gave up on the Stargazer thing shortly after my last post.

Just wondering how one would rate the Stargazer class compared to other classes in Single Player?

To me, the worst 3rd tier classes, imo, are: Stargazer, Cabalist, Shadowlord[based on the information iceman/georgek told me], Warlock, Rangerlord.

The worst 2nd tier class, to me, is: Celestial [personal dislikes to only basically having crappy skills and crappy "learning bonuses"].

Now depending on how main tiers and sub tiers are paired up, the previous listed worst 2nd/3rd tier classes might be better and may not be bad at all. But, on their own, they seem to be either crappy tiers or just lower versions of a better class (ie : Warwitch seems to have better everything compared to a Cabalist and a Warlock).

Like I said, I might start playing the Stargazer again, in the future, should I get dramatically bored...maybe?
