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Terminology questions for dummies (spoilers??)
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 8:15 am
by magicpac
The old lady here again. Well, I've been playing this game a couple of months and reading and reading, but I still can't find what some of the terms in the console mean. I understand toggle grass, land, leaves, etc, but I have a mod that can toggle a power of eye of the hunter (vampire mod). How in the blue blazes do I turn my power off? I assume it means to toggle and I don't know how to do a power.
Also, what does toggle AI mean? What's an AI anyway?
Toggle wireframe?
Toggle collision?
Are these last two something I'd use without building mods?
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 9:31 am
by Fljotsdale
Well, AI means Artificial Intelligence. So, if you have it on monsters and such behave ... er... intelligently

(ie: unpredictably); if it's off then they behave predictably.
Don't know anything about Mods, never used 'em, so no ideas. But I'm sure someone else will tell you.
Erm... how old is 'old'? I'm 69 and female.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:04 am
by Lord Spawn
magicpac wrote:
Toggle wireframe?
Toggle collision?
Are these last two something I'd use without building mods?
wireframe?collision? as I know these are only for modders, (->modeller modders) I dont know why can they be toggled? they are useless IMO.
Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 10:30 am
by Ashen
With toggle wireframe you toggle wireframe mode ie you get to see what objects are loaded in your vicinity - you'll see the polygons the game uses for detailed objects which will in a way explain why it has such huge demands on computers, it's a very high poly count.
When you toggle collision you go in the direction your facing.
As for toggle AI when you use that, TAI is the command I believe what happens is that you turn off the enemy Artificial Intelligence. All NPCs will stand still/motionless, but will continue breathing and sometimes they will repeat the last action before the motionless thingie.
Posted: Wed Sep 20, 2006 7:04 am
by magicpac
Well, I did work out the constant night-eye thing, but I didn't get an answer about the toggleable night-eye. Does anyone know how to do that? I appreciate the help for the other toggle questions that I had. Thanks to everyone who answered those!!
P.S. Nope, over 60 beats me.