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i've played this game many times

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:28 am
by jajdoo
and i still cant figure out - who the hack is baldur??!~

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:37 am
by mr_sir
Baldur's Gate is the main city in the first game, and is named after legendary adventurer Balduran who founded the city using the riches he had accumulated. He then died on his final voyage of exploration (the events of which are described in one of the areas in the Tales of the Sword Coast expansion for Baldur's Gate 1). Baldur's Gate 2 is set in Amn, which is a nation to the south of Baldur's Gate and continues the story started in the original.

Posted: Sat Sep 16, 2006 11:50 am
by Rhûn
"The city takes its name from the great seafaring hero Balduran. Long ago, Balduran sailed to the fabled Anchorome and returned with great wealth which was used to build the wall around what became Baldur's Gate. He left the city again, presumably to return to Anchorome, but never returned."
[Anchorome is the newly-discovered continent to the west. BGTotSC tells us that Balduran set out to return and got shipwrecked on a remote island, where he assumedly died]