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Blood Grass -SPOILER-
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:37 am
by FalconReaper
Is it possible to get two pieces of blood grass or even one, not in Oblivion. That way i can do the Vampire Quest if i ever become a vampire. Which will most likely happen if i try the Dark Brotherhood Quest Line.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:55 am
by Ashen
Hmm, I think you can actually buy it in Anvil I believe, on the docks if I am not wrong. Then if you have the wizard's tower plug-in there's some there. And lastly I believe (am not sure though) that the official patch actually removes the bloodgrass from the list of items from the vampire cure if MQ is finished ie no more Gates. If all fails, if you are on the PC a simple command and problem solved.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 12:20 pm
by Xandax
Some mage guilds have it laying around as well in various chest/bags/closets etc.
Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2006 11:18 pm
by Belthan
Bloodgrass also sometimes grows near Oblivion gates (even after they're closed). I guess the daedra carry the seeds through the gate and it takes root in Tamriel or something.
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:42 am
by FalconReaper
I completed the main quest (all gates closed) but it doesn't matter i can buy three from Julianna in the mage's guild Lustratorium
THanks anyway
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 12:30 pm
by Brute lord
Bloodgrass - Vampire cure
I guess I have the same problem. I work on the X-Box 360, and i closed all the gates of Oblivion. Now I am cured by the vampire. I have the vampire dust, the blood, the garlic, the nightshade and the bloodgrass. But the whitch cant make my cure. She keeps saying: when i have all the ingredients i can make this cure for u.
I started this quest over and over, but she keeps telling me this.
Am I doomed to be a Vampire for the whole game or is there a solution?
Please help this lost Vamp who is wandering into the nights....
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:42 pm
by Dowaco
You can also get bloodgrass by doing one of the Daedric quests (Boethia). It takes place in an oblivion-like setting. The catch is you need to be level 20 to do the quest.
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 8:41 pm
by Gobatcha
Tried searching the forum yet?
Brute lord wrote:Hello,
I guess I have the same problem. I work on the X-Box 360, and i closed all the gates of Oblivion. Now I am cured by the vampire. I have the vampire dust, the blood, the garlic, the nightshade and the bloodgrass. But the whitch cant make my cure. She keeps saying: when i have all the ingredients i can make this cure for u.
I started this quest over and over, but she keeps telling me this.
Am I doomed to be a Vampire for the whole game or is there a solution?
Please help this lost Vamp who is wandering into the nights....
First: Welcome to Gamebanshee, Brute lord!
Second: I think the original thread intent was to determine the location of Bloodgrass. Your question is off topic.
Third: I recommend using the forum search function to find an answer to your specific question because it has been skewered and toasted over an open fire for a long time by lots of folks.
Fourth: Well done mentioning the XBOX 360 detail, you'll get answers that closely match your requirements.
Fifth: Your question may have answered itself. If you've already been "cured by the vampire" you may have broken the quest line and thus the witch can't make the potion. It also makes your last 2 sentences puzzling.
Sixth: I think you're missing an ingredient or you forgot to list it. Search the forums for an answer.:mischief:
Happy Hunting!
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:38 pm
by Ghost Dragon
a faster way to cure vamprism
if you downloaded the vile lair content you can go and get some..a rock (forgot name but it starts with p..) in deepscorn cavern and use this fountain thing to cure vamprism real fast.
thus saving you time, and lets you become friends with the sun once more
Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 7:57 pm
by REal953
If you have the DLCFrostcrag plug-in, there is some in the garden in the room next to your bed.