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invisible ship

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 9:27 pm
by Ghost Dragon
I was walking around anvil on the outside when i came to the docks i noticed the sea tub ship was gone... i ran over and tried to jump off and i landed on the ship only it was invisible? is this like a graphic glitch or a bug cause 500 days later (in game) it was still invisible.

FYI its on my Xbox 360 not Pc

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:36 pm
by Mr. Arrow
Ghost Dragon wrote:I was walking around anvil on the outside when i came to the docks i noticed the sea tub ship was gone... i ran over and tried to jump off and i landed on the ship only it was invisible? is this like a graphic glitch or a bug cause 500 days later (in game) it was still invisible.

FYI its on my Xbox 360 not Pc
have you seen the ship before it was invisible?

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 6:38 pm
by Gobatcha
That ain't normal...

The ship shouldn't be invisible. I have encountered a rock that became invisible upon approaching it. It would be visible at a distance and slowly disappear as I got closer. Happened only once inside an Oblivion gate during my many hours of play (on the PC). I probably wouldn't have remembered it except that there was an enemy trapped behind it that I couldn't hit (until I jumped on top of the now-you-see-it-now-you-don't rock and blasted it). It was a very weird moment. Never saw it happen to the ships in Anvil though. Sounds like a big glitch. Did it happen before or after you loaded the plug-ins that you've mentioned in other threads? If the answer is 'after' then that might be a trigger of sorts. You could try playing without the plugs if it's the case and it causes more problems.
Good luck.

Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 8:08 pm
by Belthan
I've had the whole sidewalk between the waterfront warehouses and docks disappear. Fast travel to waterfront, fall down to sand way below, like I'm in a big trench. Everything went back to normal after I quit and reloaded the game though.

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 8:37 pm
by Ghost Dragon
yes I have seen it before it turned invisible. and i also noticed from the temple district(after i beat the game) the white gold tower dissapears as you walk closer to it. It may happen inside the temple of one or outside of it.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:45 am
by Fljotsdale
Belthan wrote:I've had the whole sidewalk between the waterfront warehouses and docks disappear. Fast travel to waterfront, fall down to sand way below, like I'm in a big trench. Everything went back to normal after I quit and reloaded the game though.

Yeah, that's happened to me too, only always in water not a bare trench. What's more, it's happened to guardsmen, too! :laugh: You sometimes see 'em desperately trying to get back onto the path/bridge.
Only way to fix it is exit and reload last save. Happily for me, I ALWAYS save before fast-travelling.
But vanishing items? Not really. Weapons sometimes get buried in walls as they fly from the enemy's hand when he dies, and they are lost forever. But so far, no invisible things.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 8:48 am
by Fljotsdale
Ghost Dragon wrote:yes I have seen it before it turned invisible. and i also noticed from the temple district(after i beat the game) the white gold tower dissapears as you walk closer to it. It may happen inside the temple of one or outside of it.
That is a graphics issue. What is your game view distance? If you have it set really close it may cause bits of the scenery to look 'not present', but if you move they reappear in full.
Set you distance for as long as your Box will let you without the game turning treacly.

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 6:02 pm
by Ghost Dragon
YAY!! i can see it! but the imperial palace still dissapears when i walk up to it in the temple district.

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 5:07 am
by Fljotsdale
Hang on! I just noticed it happened AFTER you beat the game. I assume after you completed the Main Quest. Several things alter after the Main Quest ends, I think, from what I have read (I have never done the MQ: more interested in the other things). The Temple of the One alters, I understand. And since it is in a city segment, and thus close to White Gold Tower, it may well be that that is affecting the graphics (as I now notice you indicated!). Do you have graphics problems in other disctricts adjacent to The Temple District? Can you upgrade your graphics card on an X-box? If so, I suggest you do so.

But it may easily be something else! I'm not a techie person. Not by a very long way!