Quest/Fatigue/Locations/Pit ?'s
Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:19 pm
Guys - have a few questions.
1) In Dernholm and started the Gladyus/ring quest ... then went to try and start the Captain Stout quest
I peeked at the GB-walkthrough after running into a brick wall
I don't receive the responses to finish the ring quest nor do I get the response to start the Captain Stout quest ?
I'm guessing it has to do with my stats; but which one... my alignment is -100; my beauty is 4; my charisma is 5; my intelligence is 8.
I'd like to know if I should move on or up a stat = which stat(s) affects questing
2) It was memtioned I can cut the fatigue of spell casting in half ?
I'm getting close to some higher spells, so I'd like to know: who do I talk to.
So far, all the training choices are in the 4 skill categories ... no magikal training being offered
3) I've been running around and noticed locations are popping up.
So, how do I add more locations on the other side of the mountains(W and N) and the NE land mass = I get the "blocked" text
Also the land masses to the E and S ... are blocked by water/streams ?
I move as close as posible and look for passages, but after 10+ minutes, I seem to be going nowhere ... like an endless horizon; even though I stopped right next to the mountain/water(..etc) or what looks like an opening
Is there a trick to find the passages, or am I just not searching long enough = I'll eventually run into it ?
Does a game character have to put the locations on the map ?
4) Where is this stinking PIT
The "B" in the walkthrough has me perplexed ... I see no tree ... I believe that's in the SW part of the map
I read a earlier post and it said NW; staircase; not in town ... if I remember correctly
Can someone give me a marker/object from which to find my bearings and which way to move(... NW; SW etc)
1) In Dernholm and started the Gladyus/ring quest ... then went to try and start the Captain Stout quest
I peeked at the GB-walkthrough after running into a brick wall
I don't receive the responses to finish the ring quest nor do I get the response to start the Captain Stout quest ?
I'm guessing it has to do with my stats; but which one... my alignment is -100; my beauty is 4; my charisma is 5; my intelligence is 8.
I'd like to know if I should move on or up a stat = which stat(s) affects questing
2) It was memtioned I can cut the fatigue of spell casting in half ?
I'm getting close to some higher spells, so I'd like to know: who do I talk to.
So far, all the training choices are in the 4 skill categories ... no magikal training being offered
3) I've been running around and noticed locations are popping up.
So, how do I add more locations on the other side of the mountains(W and N) and the NE land mass = I get the "blocked" text
Also the land masses to the E and S ... are blocked by water/streams ?
I move as close as posible and look for passages, but after 10+ minutes, I seem to be going nowhere ... like an endless horizon; even though I stopped right next to the mountain/water(..etc) or what looks like an opening
Is there a trick to find the passages, or am I just not searching long enough = I'll eventually run into it ?
Does a game character have to put the locations on the map ?
4) Where is this stinking PIT
The "B" in the walkthrough has me perplexed ... I see no tree ... I believe that's in the SW part of the map
I read a earlier post and it said NW; staircase; not in town ... if I remember correctly
Can someone give me a marker/object from which to find my bearings and which way to move(... NW; SW etc)