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Ghost in Den...Help?

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:55 pm
by Shao-Loki
Hiya. I'm in Den. I've got a problem. I triggered the ghost girl quest, but I can't remember where her locket is. I remember seeing a twinkle the last time I played (a few years ago), but I can't remember where it was.

Anyone know where the locket is?


What effect does the Graverobber Karma have on the game?

And, is there any way to get the Den's disposition up from neutral?

Also, I know Sulik's sister is being held by Metzger, but I can't trigger any quest related to her. Do I just have to kill Metzger and his crew to rescue her?

Thanks for any help/pointers offered!

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:34 pm
by Sparrow
The locket for the Den ghost quest is in the possession of Joey, the jet dealer. It may be possible to steal it from him, otherwise you have to start a fight with him. He's standing outside, near the spot where you step over to the slaver part of Den.

I seem to remember Den's disposition staying neutral, the whole game. Not sure if there's anything you can do to change that.

Sulik's sister is not actually in the game, so she's not in the Den slave compound. And you can't complete a quest where you find her. You'd expect to find her, but for some reason she got left out of the game.

Don't know about the graverobber karma thing.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:38 pm
by The Z
IIRC I think if you eliminate Metzger and the slavers later in the game when you're capable of such a thing, your rep could go up. Of course it's been awhile since I played Fallout 2 so I might be wrong.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 2:47 am
by Mr. Pastorius
Sparrow wrote:The locket for the Den ghost quest is in the possession of Joey, the jet dealer. It may be possible to steal it from him, otherwise you have to start a fight with him.
Actually, you can't steal from him because you will only be able to take it from him when he's dead. There is another option, though.
When you talk to Mom in the East side of the Den, she'll tell you that Joey took the locket. Go to Joey and tell him that you know he stole the locket, and offer him to buy it from him for 50 bucks. If your speech skill is high enough, you might just convince to hand the locket over. Then return the locket to Anna and she'll turn into a pile of bones which you should bury in her grave at the graveyard. You won't get the Gravedigger perk for digging that specific grave, though, so there's nothing to worry about.[/spoilerend]

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:33 pm
by Shao-Loki
Thanks, guys

Ah, good ole mom.

I'd forgotten how much fun Fallout 2 could be.

So, now I'll just wait for 3 (and my new puter so I can play it...) ;-)


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 10:08 am
by Malta Soron
Why not play FO2 again? I'm planning to do so after finishing Fable.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 1:18 pm
by Shao-Loki
Malta Soron wrote:Why not play FO2 again? I'm planning to do so after finishing Fable.
I am. *grin* Hence the question. I still haven't beaten the game, and I need an alternative to Morrowind (spellcasters level awful slow). Besides, there's enough there for quite a few plays.

Want to have some Interesting Times (TM) in FO2? Make a character with 10 Luck and Jinxed. I did, and watched this:

Rat God critically missed and bit himself in the head
Rat God was critically hit in the head for 92 points of damage, crushing the rodent's skull like a wet paper bag.

This character was positively insane. I took Gifted and Jinxed, cranked Luck and Agility to 10, and went hot-and-heavy into unarmed combat. About every fifth or sixth attack I'll critically miss and "lose my next action," but watching enemies blow themselves up, shoot themselves in the foot, and mow down their compatriots is immensely amusing. I've seen a critical miss from a submachine gun take out four enemies...when I was the original target!

*evil grin*


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:12 pm
by Malta Soron
Cool :D I'll remember that.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 2:27 am
by Daianara
I played the game a long time ago so I don't remeber if the slavers were in the Den or somewhere else. If they were there, maybe you could try joining them to get Den's disposition up. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:23 am
by Mr. Pastorius
Daianara wrote:I played the game a long time ago so I don't remeber if the slavers were in the Den or somewhere else. If they were there, maybe you could try joining them to get Den's disposition up. :)
And get Sulik smash your forehead. :D