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Guestion[possible spoiler]
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:53 pm
by DarkOmen14
Question[possible spoiler]
Does anyone know if I can make a spell to reanimate the dead like the worm king's staff you get after completing the mages guild guests.
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:46 pm
by Ghost Dragon
I'm pretty sure you can't, you can if you find someone that sells you a reanimate spell which i don't think anyone does but if you find someone that does.. lemme know
Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:26 pm
by Alien_Newborn
Errr... If you're on PC, you can open the console (~) and type PSB and then hit enter, and it'll give you all spells, which includes the reanimation spell used in Manimarco's staff. Or, you can do as I did, and just pimp out the staff using the construction set. I mean, with 30 seconds of reanimation, the bodies can't exatcly do much good, so I set it to 3 hours. It makes corpse disposal much easier, and means I actually have time to enjoy black-eyed lackeys following me around.