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What is it like playing as a grey Jedi?

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:49 am
by Captain42
Hey there,
I was wondering if anyone has played as a grey Jedi- I have thought it might be fun, but I figured the possibility of having a powerful character would be low.
Has anyone been able to enjoy a game as much as they regularly do while playing grey?
Thanks for any advice/ideas

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:08 pm
by Sith Dog
Yea, it's pretty fun, but I wasn't able to complete it. I was to weak :mad: , but it was my fault not the Grey Jedi's.I later found to buff your character's strength as much as possible, at least for my playing style.I will try again sometime! :)

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 11:57 am
by bigredpanda
Benefits: influencing others is easier to do "in character". When I built my grey jedi character, it was the first time I managed to properly influence every character in the game, and convert all of the possible convertees to Jedi.
Disadvantages: Certain side quests are unplayable. I noticed that my grey jedi was the strongest character I'd built, but weakened considerably towards the end of the game without the mega powers.

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:35 pm
by Alcina
Other disadvantages: can't take a prestige class, and don't get a lightsaber till much later, and one fewer NPC.

I'm told. I've never played grey myself. Maybe that should be my next project?

Posted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 3:34 pm
by Sith Dog
You should try it. It is challenging to try to stay in the middle rather than going LS or DS.It's probably more fun to be Grey. Your not a one-sided Jedi or a mindless killing Sith. :cool:

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 2:06 am
by DarthBob
It is challenging to try to stay in the middle rather than going LS or DS.

Do you have to do both dark and light? if so, who do you chose to help on telos? you do the smuggeling? and free ramana? then kill that guy in the apartment? then what? :confused: :angel: :mischief:

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 11:07 am
by Sith Dog
DarthBob wrote:It is challenging to try to stay in the middle rather than going LS or DS.

Do you have to do both dark and light? if so, who do you chose to help on telos? you do the smuggeling? and free ramana? then kill that guy in the apartment? then what? :confused: :angel: :mischief:
On Telos I helped the Ithorians, got that Samhan guy into trouble, didn't give a crap about Ramana( I never do anything with her, it cost to much money that early in the game)I guess playing Grey is just mainly Light without the "Dogmatic narrow view of the Jedi".Looking on a larger scale of things, yea, if some dude threatens me, he's dead, but there's much larger view of the Force from the perspective of the Grey Jedi.

Posted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 3:21 pm
by Rubel
I guess you can minimize your LS point by taking more cash rewards, too, hmm?

I am just playing the game for the first time, so I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I considered aiming to the midpoint of either Dark or Light by level 15, then taking the prestige class and easing back toward something Grey. Would that work? Or would you still wind up playing much of the game as Jedi or Sith?

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 12:25 pm
by Alcina
Rubel wrote:I guess you can minimize your LS point by taking more cash rewards, too, hmm?

I am just playing the game for the first time, so I don't really know what I'm talking about, but I considered aiming to the midpoint of either Dark or Light by level 15, then taking the prestige class and easing back toward something Grey. Would that work? Or would you still wind up playing much of the game as Jedi or Sith?
The alignment you have doesn't affect the options available to you at all. You get all the same choices whether you are 100 per cent Light or 100 per cent Dark. I believe there is one exception (spoiler)if you are female and get the Disciple, he ends up with a starting INF which is negative, so you have to do more LS things to get INF than you would if you were LS

ETA: Except that on Korriban(spoilers)You can't get into the tomb unless you are DS or LS enough to take a prestige class. So you might wnat to time it about the same time.

I've got Mira and then got both her and me Dark Mastery before now :)
(she gets cool make-up!)