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Hey I'm New and need help with a class I made.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:01 pm
by Synapses
Hiya! I saw this site from google search and it looks like a great place to talk about DnD. So I decided to join up. I created a new class that I really want to play but I need suggestions on balancing issues. The class focuses around the summoning of slivers. Those creatures in magic the gathering that get stronger when they are near one another. It's a really cool class with a neat story line and plot, plus I love slivers. My questions for my new class would be:

There will be 9 different tiers of slivers, what should there hit points be and their respective attack bonuses? How does making a creatures attack bonus, AC, and stats work? I don't have a MM at the moment. :P

What should the limit on the amount of summoned slivers be? I mimagined them being summoned via a similar spell like ability of Summon monster, but be controlled like animate dead on how many undead you control is equal to your hit dice x4. Possibly later as the class levels up I hope to increase that amount controlled. Would this be unbalanced?

Lastly, how do I let my DM accept this? We play short campaigns in which we switch characters often. After my tirade with some class I found online called the "Egorarch" he banned all made up classes (mostly cuz I sucked so bad with him. The thing can't use magic weapons, cut me some slack) We are a group of five.

I would post what I have so far, but I don't know if this is the forum to do that.

Thanks for all feedback/ and or welcomes. :)

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:06 pm
by Magrus
I have no idea what slivers are. However, looking at this website The Hypertext d20 SRD (v3.5 d20 System Reference Document) :: will give you most of the information from the PHB, DMG , Exp Psionics, Unearthed Arcana and MM 1.

If you post what you had, and what "slivers" are I might be able to help more.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:19 pm
by Synapses
My bad. Slivers are creatures who look like these card pictures, Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, card lists, deck ideas.

They will all vary on appearance, anyway. How many slivers should I be able to summon per day? Can it be a Spell like ability?

and are described in this text of wikipedia
"Slivers are metamorphs that live in huge hive colonies. Slivers first appeared in the artificial plane of Rath, with a hive colony below Volrath's Stronghold. Whether these creatures were a creation of Volrath or were a natural species brought to Rath like so many others is unknown. Volrath exerts some control over the colony; he has constructed mechanical slivers which have been accepted into the hive. Slivers are unique in that they share adaptations. This is accomplished through a unique organ the slivers possess. It acts as a telepath node, allowing the slivers to transmit information to one another, but it also serves a much more unusual function: it acts as a gland, secreting chemicals into its bloodstream which in turn affect how its cells replicate genetic material. Apparently, slivers grow at a ridiculously fast rate, because these changes are almost spontaneously manifested. For instance, if a Sliver with wings comes within a certain distance of a sliver with firebreathing, both Slivers share their abilities, in that they can each use both abilities. Vicinity is very important, as they can't share these abilities over long distances."

And How will I handle my jerk DM?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:21 pm
by Siberys
Well, go ahead and either post the class and the statistics of a sliver here, or on my website (which is in my sig) and you'll likely get the help you need.

Also, As magrus suggested, I would definitely use that site.

One last suggestion, be sure it's not too themed. If you focus on summoning one creature such as Slivers or Astral Constructs (As there is a class just for that in complete psionics), then you run the risk of it really never being used.

However, other classes that work around just summoning and manipulating in general, a class such as the Alienist (Complete Arcane) is quite well done for a specific but not too themed class.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:35 pm
by Synapses
Alright, I havent made the slivers statistics yet. I need help on that, I have the ideas for their spell like abilities so I'm set there :D
The alienist turns me off.

Please don't ninja my stuff!I worked really hard.

I'll post on your site after my paper is finished for history :P

Lemme know what needs explaining or what seems rigged. I know I switched first person to third in some of the abilities descriptions. I'll jazz up the descriptions and intro later.

Class Notes:
Becoming a Brood Master is unattainable through one’s own efforts. Through painstaking years of lethal experimentation, countless subjects, and a vast repertoire of alien knowledge Synapses was forced to become one against his will. It took nearly two decades for him to master the summoning of his slivers, then another two decades to master his control over them. The power behind this class is the Brood Organ that was surgically implanted into the subject’s brain. Within minutes the organ extends it’s tendrils and becomes inseparable with the brain. They are attached for life. The subject must also be strong enough to handle the organ. Aside from an incredible fortitude, one with a weak will shall quickly be subjected to every natural instinct that occurs to the brain, as the tendrils unlock some primal instincts with their probing. This organ is what makes this class so dangerous and versatile. Not only does it make the subject capable of summoning Slivers but also bending those slivers under his will. The Organ allows telepathic communication with his slivers and absolute control over them. The slivers all share this organ, and they recognize the subject as their Brood Master (hence the class’s name) and will sacrifice themselves, bodily need be, for his well being. The most important feature about this organ is it allows any one with this organ with in a certain range to the sliver to “share” that sliver’s unique trait. The controller and slivers alike can have several traits on them at any one time, as long as they share a close (further as the class progresses) proximity.

Hit dice: d8

Characteristics: There is no distinguishing factor between normal kinds of the Brood Master’s species from himself except for a large scar from the top of the head to the base of the neck, but the hairline hides this. Also, animals detect something “off” about a Brood master and either slink away, get nervous, or even attack. Sometimes the Brood Master clicks when he talks, similar to how Slivers can communicate verbally. Although the Brood master can speak mentally with them, this trait slips through sometimes.

Main Abilities: Charisma is the source of all summoning abilities. So buff that. Constitution is vital for the Brood Master’s modest d8 hit dice, so you will need those hit points. Strength is necessary for good for you Sliverscythe attacks, so a couple points there wouldn’t be wasted. Dexterity is essential because of the Brood master’s inability to use armor or shields.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: The Brood Master is not proficient with anything other than sliverscythes or basic weapons. The Brood Master may not wear material armor of any kind. It rubs his sliverskin the wrong way.

Class skills: Hide, Swim, Climb, Tumble, Knowledge: Slivers. Listen, Spot
Skill Points at first level: (4 + Cha Modifier) x 4
Skill Points at each additional level: 4+ cha modifier

Summons: A Brood Master can summon slivers as many times as a sorcerer can cast spells. Treat all summons as a summon monster spell that can be countered. These summons have ranks like sorcerer spells. Different slivers are summoned through different ranks. Several weaker slivers can be summoned via a high rank of sliver summoning. Additional summons apply if charisma modifier would allow, similar to bonus spells. No hand signs or verbal components are needed to summon, so a Brood Master can summon slivers bound. However, if grappled or in another difficult situation a concentration check is required.
The Brood Mind Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Special
1 0 2 0 2 Sliver Mastery,Sliver Summoning Synapse 30ftSliverscythes
2 1 3 0 3 Brood OrganOneness
3 2 3 1 3 Sliverskin
4 3 4 1 4 Brood OrganScentHeighten Trait
5 3 4 1 4 SliverscythesTwo wep fighting
6 4 5 2 5 Synapse 60ft
7 5 5 2 5 Sliver skin
8 6/1 6 2 6 Brood OrganDarkvision 60ftSliver scry 1/dayHeighten Trait 2
9 6/1 6 3 6 Summoning Extension 90ft
10 7/2 7 3 7 Greater SliverScythesSliverformImprv 2 Wep FightingSliver Summoning2
11 8/3 7 3 7 Quickened Summons
12 9/4 8 4 8 Brood OrganTelepathy 60ftSynapse 90ftSliver scry 2/dayHeighten Trait 3
13 9/4 8 4 8 Sliver Form 2/day
14 10/5 9 4 9 Sliverskin +6 Nat Armor
15 11/6/1 9 5 9 Awesome SliverScythesTwo Wep fighting greater
16 11/6/1 10 5 10 Sliver scry 3/daySliver Form 3/dayheighten Trait 4
17 12/7/2 10 5 10 Quickened Summons
18 13/8/3 11 6 11 Brood OrganTremor sense 60ftSynapse120ft Sliver scry 4/daySliver form 4/day Sliverscythes
19 14/9/4 11 6 11 Sliver SummonerMastery
20 15/10/5 12 6 12 DevastatingSliverScythesQuickened SummonsSliver Form 5/dayOutsiderSliver Scry at will; Sliver Summoning3 Heighten Trait 5

Sliver mastery: The Brood Master gains absolute control over his summoned slivers. The sliver is forced to do his bidding and carry out his orders to the best of its ability. Not that it could disobey; it is in its nature to serve a Brood master. Any who do not have a Brood Organ cannot communicate with a Sliver. The Brood master can communicate with a sliver to a distance of one mile. The slivers can follow more complicated orders such as “Burrow and attack all that come” or “Dance my minions, dance!” None may wrench control of a controlled sliver from its Brood Master.

Sliver Summoning: The Brood Master may summon slivers in accordance with his class level. This is an impossible feat to someone without a Brood Organ. Any attempts to replicate a sliver summoning by a non Brood Master will fail, or perhaps something worse. The Sliver Summoning works similarly to the Summon Monster spell but instead of the slivers disappearing in one round a level, it’s permanent. That’s right. Permanent. However, a Brood master may only control a number of slivers whose combined HD equals four times the caster’s class level at the 1st level, six times at the 10th level, and eight times at the 20th level. (Similar to Dread Necromancer and animate dead)

Synapse: Synapse is the sharing of attributes between slivers to a certain range. All slivers or beings with a Brood Organ can acquire these attributes willingly as a free action. As the Brood Master progresses it’s range of Synapse increases.

Will post rest of info, too long :P

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:36 pm
by Synapses
Brood Organ adaptation:

Oneness: As long as the Brood master controls one sliver, he and all slivers under the control of the Brood Master have a +1 bonus on all saves, attack rolls, and natural armor

Scent: To hidden enemies, the Brood Organ has granted its host a heightened sense of smell. This can also be used to track to quarry, or identify a suspect. This ability is passive.

Darkvision: Allows the Brood master and all slivers to see in pitch-black darkness out to 60 feet. This ability is passive.

Telepathy: The Brood Organ burrows into the language center of the brain, stimulating it’s comprehension abilities to the point of telepathy. The Brood Master can communicate to anything thing that has a language and an intelligence score above 3. This ability is passive.

Tremor sense: The Brood Organ heightens an unlocked portion of the host’s brain that most humanoids don’t use. Thus allowing it to sense any nearby organisms within 60 feet. The Brood master gains tremor sense out to 60 feet. This ability is passive.

Sliver Scry: The Brood master can use the scry spell on any of his controlled slivers a number of times per day. At the 20th level the ability is usable any amount of times per day.

SliverScythes: Your hands morph into long hard bones with sharp edges and an even sharper tip. Similar to what your sliver’s wield, you can make attacks with them.
1d6 damage at first level, 1d8 at 5th, 1d12 at 10th, and 2d8 at 18th and 2d10 at 20th. At every 5th level you increase in your combat style with these. You gain two weapon-fighting feats even if you do not meet the requirements as long as you wield your Sliverscythes. At the different stages the blades grow even longer and harder until they rival adamantine in purposes of damage reduction at 20th.

Heightened Trait: As the Brood Organ advances and grows more as one with the host’s brain they become closer to their kin. The Brood master can choose which traits (if any) to “heighten” or grow more attuned with. This provides a greater benefit from that sliver’s trait.

Sliverskin: As the Brood organ pervades more and more of the Brood master’s anatomy, thick, armored skin adds plus 2 at the 3rd level, 4 at the 7th level, and 6 at the 14th level to the Brood Master’s natural Armor class.

Quickened summons(su): By releasing a controlled amount of adrenaline into your Brood Organ, you can summon your slivers instantaneously. You can summon three levels of slivers once a day at the 11th level, 4 classes twice a day at 17th and 5 classes thrice a day at 20th. This is useful for surprise attacks or being ambushed.

Sliver form (Su): The Brood Master takes the shape and form of a large sliver. It’s damage increases as proportionate. It has 2 sliverscythes, a head for a bite attack. And a tail for a tail smash or grapple checks. It can burrow at its move speed of 40 feet a round. And gains bonus hit points equal to 10x the number of slivers controlled. You can stay in this form for a number of minutes equal to its class level at the tenth level, and eventually stay in it as long as it wishes at the 20th as a standard action. In sliverform the Brood Master gains plus 8 strength, plus 8 Dexterity and Plus 8 Constitution and plus 4 natural armor. Afterwards the Brood Master becomes exhausted and must rest for one hour before taking any further actions. At the 20th level the Brood master is no longer exhausted after Sliverform.

Outsider: Because of how deeply the Brood Organ has affected the Brood Master’s mind, the Brood Master’s type changes to match the sliver’s descriptor of outsider. Likewise, it gains DR 5/chaotic and SR equal to charisma modifier plus the number of slivers currently controlled.

Feedback and criticism welcome!

Oh yeah, and help on giving a prototype for a sliver. Keep in mind ranks of these creatures range from 1 to 9 ;)


Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:42 pm
by Magrus
That depends entirely on the strength of these "slivers" you want to summon really. If they're the same strength as a cat, you could summon a handful as a first level spell. If they're the strength of a dire tiger, you won't be able to until you are roughly 15th level.

O.o Wow, you did put a lot of work into that. I honestly can say I've been awake far too long today to process all of that well right now. I'll give it a look over probably wednesday when I have off from work. If you can come up with some stats for your slivers by then, that would help.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:52 pm
by Synapses
Thanks for even taking a look at it. More than my DM would do =/

So anyway, I will create those slivers, hopefully correctly, and post them here. Anyone else wanna comment on my class?

O crap, my paper! ><

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:01 pm
by Magrus
To be honest, this forum is pretty dead aside from Syberis and I. One of the reasons we made our own elsewhere. I'll take a look and give you my thoughts when I find time, but I wouldn't get my hopes up to get much help here otherwise.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:08 pm
by Synapses
I'm sorry to hear that, when I finish this paper I'll post all the fore mentioned stuff there. Which section should I do that in?

Also, do you think people would help me there?
Do I need to register?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:16 pm
by Siberys
It doesn't require registration (But it is appreciated if you did, you can post as a guest if you feel the need), there's a forum called "Dungeons and Dragons Core Rules" that you can post it in, and feel free to do it there.

I will say, and no offense to some of the other boards (Namely the actual official WoTC website forum), that the members of my site have a fairly decent to good understanding of DND rules and balancing them, and we do have a good 12 active members (with 72 total members, blokes not posting) who are quite well nourished in DND rules.

Feel free to post there, your 100% welcome. But if you want to keep it here, that's your choice as well. I doubt you will get help, but I could also be wrong.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:17 pm
by Magrus
You can post it here. We have a few regular members who might help you out with that at our site. Right now, we just had a surge of new members show up over the past two months, and then dissapear the past few weeks, so our members are down again that are actually active. Still, copying and pasting can't take up too much time and you might get a few more opinions there. You do need to register in order to post in the gaming sections yeah.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 7:53 pm
by Synapses
Ok I did it. It says I ented it at 1 AM, and since Siberys said "blokes" I'm assuming it's English time.

Cool meeting someone from a different country who plays, I know D&D is cross countries but it's cool meeting someone who talks differently as they describe their halfing sorcerer falling down a flight of stairs. :D

Rightio! I hope someone responds that late/early on that site heh.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:01 pm
by Siberys
Nah, the forum automatically adjusts from your time, and I just like the word Blokes, I'm from Indiana in the states.

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:06 pm
by Synapses
D'oh :eek:
Oh well, I hafta finish this paper by 11:59 Eastern time so I gotta get to that, will you be on after?

Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:08 pm
by Siberys
Most likely, I'm usually up till 3 am eastern.

Posted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 11:24 am
by Rob-hin
If creatures get bonusses for being together, this makes them stronger.
In other words, it increases their CR.

This would mean that:
A- They are weak alone (a low CR)
B- You have to make a consensus, meaning your character has to become weaker in other parts.

Otherwise you'd become too strong.

I can go into this but first this: What's the use if your DM doesn't even want to look at it? You could be just waisting your time.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:18 pm
by andrewknaut
i love the idea of summoning slivers...i myself love slivers and would enjoy summoning a huge sworm of monsters to kill my oponints.

What you could do is create 5 different silvers, ie one for each magic class and just use them as a conjiourer. Each sliver give buffs to all others in play and each color dictates the buff..
such as white sliver +2 AC
Green sliver +2 damage
Black sliver all slivers do wounding damage
Blue sliver slivers gain spell restance
red sliver +2 to hit

these are ofcourse very rough ideas...but they could work...even make better slivers that give off better abliites...i actully think the blue sliver is a bit overpowered already...
anway, good idea and i would like to know were it goes.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:19 pm
by andrewknaut computer put me in the wrong thread...

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 1:19 pm
by andrewknaut
i love the idea of summoning slivers...i myself love slivers and would enjoy summoning a huge sworm of monsters to kill my oponints.

What you could do is create 5 different silvers, ie one for each magic class and just use them as a conjiourer. Each sliver give buffs to all others in play and each color dictates the buff..
such as white sliver +2 AC
Green sliver +2 damage
Black sliver all slivers do wounding damage
Blue sliver slivers gain spell restance
red sliver +2 to hit

these are ofcourse very rough ideas...but they could work...even make better slivers that give off better abliites...i actully think the blue sliver is a bit overpowered already...
anway, good idea and i would like to know were it goes.