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Factions hostile

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2006 10:46 pm
by Dead_By_Dawn
Hi, i "accidentally" slew a mother and father in the slums of Luskan (isnt it funny that you cannot kill the children btw?) and now the merchants attack me on sight as do the children in Cutlass Inn. After browsing the forum for a few hours im coming to realise there is no other solution to fix their hostility other than reloading a old savegame.

Now unfortunatly the last time i saved it was just outside of Luskan and ive completed 5 or so quests since then and as such i really dont want to have to do it all again. Im hoping ive missed something in the forums about how to change the way NPC "feel" about the PC and that one of you nice people here can suggest something. In appreciation of the help that you may give i promise not to attack any more defenceless how about it?

Cheers D_B_D

Posted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 2:58 am
by Ookaze
With little luck, you must have an automatic save done by the game when entering some area before killing the people, as you've done 5 quests.
Look for this "auto save" in your latest saves.

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2006 2:39 am
by Dead_By_Dawn
If only

Thanks for replying, unfortunatly i saved the game before i quit in, you guessed it, the autosave slot. So im guessing that im right in thinking theres no debug code for hostile factions?

Cheers, D_B_D

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 6:42 am
by Ningengirai
There is 'setfaction'. Did you try speaking to the people at the Temple? Do they attack you too? If they don't, you might just have to work your way through it either killing or avoiding the 'good guys', and perhaps suffer an alignment shift yourself. Otherwise, there's not much you can do but going back to the last save you have.

If you DO want to try the setfaction debug code... it's a lot of work. You'll have to pause the game for every hostile 'good' person you meet, enter debug mode, type in dm_setfaction <100> or dm_setfaction defender, left-click on the person you want to turn friendly, unpause, move on to the next, etc etc...

Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2006 8:13 am
by Dead_By_Dawn

Oh dear..that'll teach me then i guess. Thanks for the help, im not sure if i'll bother doing that for everyone, as the temple folk are passive still, i was only replaying NWN OC to ready myself for a first go at HoTU. So i think i may just go straight to HoTU instead.

I will, however spare the llives of the innocent in the future. Thanks again..


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