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Sorcerer dilemna...
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:44 pm
by hitter97
I bet you thought this was another thread about not being able to access spells for a sorcerer character. NOPE. I have a sorcerer and everything is progressing nicely; however, upon attaining 5th level spells and selecting cloudkill...i cannot access that particular spell (beyond the ability). BUT, my sorcerer has an 18 charisma...any ideas?
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 1:59 pm
by Siberys
Sorcerer's gain 3rd level spells by 6th level, not 5th.
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:30 pm
by Magrus
Yep, sorcerers get more spells/day/spell level overall than wizards. However, wizards progress to higher level spells faster, as well have the option of gaining more spells through research (scribing new spells from scrolls into a spellbook).
Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:53 pm
by Lazigothi
If I get the question right, the Sorcerer is high enough level to get the cloudkill spell. (This being why at level-up, the option to select it presented itself.) Cloudkill being the 5th level spell, and not referring to the Sorcerer's level. Even though Sorcerer's in 3 edition base casting ability on Charisma, I wonder what the Intelligence is as well, hinting at a possible bug. Regardless, I'm thinking bug, unless it's as easy as not allowing the character to rest first. I have a bug in another bioware D&D game where all things being equal, characters refuse to refresh their selected spells even after resting after days and days, and I'm guessing this might be the problem. I'd think maybe downloading a patch, re-loading the game before the level-up, and see if those might help.
My other question would be if your Charisma or level was drained away by anything.