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And yet another stupid Question from me
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 4:58 pm
by Asher
Ok sorry guys I am sure this is going to be one of those question where you are going to sit and shake your head and think "what an idiot" but I want to know. Ok I was looking at my menu and when you go to your states where it tells you your fame, infamy, Bounty, days spent as a vampire and all that other good stuff it also says buinesses invested in How do you invest in a buiness? and what buiness can you invest in?
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 5:01 pm
by fable
Asher, could you please title your threads with something relevant to the content? It makes it hard to know whether a person can help or not, just by your titles. Thanks.
Posted: Fri Nov 03, 2006 7:20 pm
by SoberFix
To invest in a shop, you have to be a Master ranking in Mercantile. I'm nowhere near that ranking yet...just an apprentice in mercantile, and this is after about 100 hours of gameplay and thousands of items sold to different shops. A high Personality will boost your mercantile skill.
Anyways, every shopkeeper in Oblivion has a sent amount of gold maximum to purchase your goods. Most weapon/armor shops are around 1000 to 1200. He/she will only pay out the maximum of their set amount gold regardless of how much the item you are trying to sell is worth. Example...Umbra Sword is worth around 5000 gold(I'm guessing). If you try and sell this item, the most you will get for it is the shopkeepers max amount gold....800, 1000 etc.
I think investing in the shop will increase that number so you can get more gold for your pricey items.
I could be wrong, my character is nowhere near that level to be investing in shops.
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 3:58 am
by Asher
oh damn that is a long way off. has to be all the at 100 huh? ok know any way to boost it fast? all the trainers i find cant help anymore. says i cant learnanymore from them
Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:29 am
by ashes2233
expert i think
i think you only need to be 75 at mercentile to be able to invest at master (100) the shop automatically has another 500 gold therefore you can have the shops having a hundred more gold than they originally did
if i remember correctly this is right and could help
Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 5:31 pm
by blahperson00
ashes is quite right. 75 to invest in a store. (plus 500 gold to that store) at 100 you become a master and EVERY store has plus 500 gold.