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Sponsor the guard's break?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:22 am
by C-K'R[PhoEniX]
I encountered this message twice in game so far on rather unusual places:
-When I was crossing the bridge leading from the island near the demon door Heroes' Guild. You get the option to accept or decline. I remember there was a guard nearby. When I accept nothing happens, and to my surprise when I accepted and crossed the bridge again, the same question followed (every time).
-I just encountered another message in The Barrow Fields, when I got closer to a man sleeping near the blue mushroom vendor. I didn't get another message of the same type the next time I got closer to that man.

So what is this?? :confused:

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:12 am
by DesR85
Hmm. I recall seeing that in quite a number of towns when you interact with the guards. Usually, when they ask for 1000 gold, they're looking for a bribe, I think. Whether they go to some other place to take a break or something else, that, I'm not so sure. I probably guess that this is one way to avoid getting the guards to come after you when you commit a crime in that town.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:50 pm
by robc_626
Guard breaks are bribes. They ask you for 1,000 dollars and, essentially, turn their backs on you, leaving you free to go and steal everything in sight (fo a limited time of course).