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prestigate classes (may contain SPOILER)

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 1:05 pm
by Nilordien
I used the cheat code to maxim level up, caurse I lost all my game when my somputer crashed.

But I couldn't be able to get any of the prestigate classes. Why?

Is there a way I can get them?

- Sofia

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2006 4:14 pm
by GoldDragon
To gain Prestige classes not only requires an open level (Maxed out chars can't level up) and also other requirements that aren't easy to do sometimes.

IE: Sorcerers can only become Arcane Archers with a Base Attack bonus (totally unmodified) 0f +6.

The other requirements are:

Elf/Half-Elf as race (Dwarves, Humans, Gnomes, Halflings/etc.... need not apply)
Weapon Focus: Longbow (shortbow will work also) Feat
Point Blank Shot Feat
Must cast first level Arcane spells.

[url=""]this link will tell you ALL of the requirements for ALL prestige Classes of the NWN[/url].
PRC is elsewhere.

EDIT: I HATE it when I get half my info wrong, and even can't spell it.