Exact location of Rifthome Axe? (SPOILERS ABOUND)
Posted: Fri Nov 17, 2006 12:35 pm
Well, I decided I'll try to help Buck fix up some errors with the Baldur's Gate I & II sections of the main site.
Anyways, where - and who exactly - do you loot/obtain the Rifthome Axe from?
The Axe section of the BG2 equipment guide says you buy it off Ribald Barterman. I found that
1) that's not the case, and
2) supposedly you loot that off a Shadow Thief after you side w/ Bodhi.
So, which Shadow Thief - and where exactly - has the Rifthome Axe?
Anyways, where - and who exactly - do you loot/obtain the Rifthome Axe from?
The Axe section of the BG2 equipment guide says you buy it off Ribald Barterman. I found that
1) that's not the case, and
2) supposedly you loot that off a Shadow Thief after you side w/ Bodhi.
So, which Shadow Thief - and where exactly - has the Rifthome Axe?