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(spoiler) Battle after the trial - help!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:49 am
by Lisa
OK - I've tried to battle using Kelgar. He gets the guy down to no HPs but can't kill him in "frenzy mode" I tried battling him with my main character and get killed. I tried battling with Qara and get killed. Is there any advise you can give me? Will Cassavir beat him? I thought I'd ask for some advise before sitting through the ritual of Tyr again.

Conversely is there any way to win the trial to avoid the fight?

Thanks for any help!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 1:52 am
by Xandax
Just run circles around him until his frenzy mode wears off... then you'll be able to defeat him.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 2:06 am
by Lisa

I tried that once but I'll try it earlier. I waited until I had his HPs down first. Thanks!

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:06 am
by Acleacius
I used a slow spell makes it much easier. ;)

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:05 pm
by Ningengirai
For me, acid did the trick. Khelgar got him down to 0 HP, ran three circles around him, and then threw a flask of acid at him. Instant death.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:30 pm
by Tricky
Do all of that and summon something that can attack him while you're running in circles. A staff, a scroll, whatever you can get your hands on. He'll focus on you rather than your summoned creature and it will get one attack of opportunity after the other.

It really was one of the easiest battles.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:01 am
by Lisa
well Cassavir ended up being the one to win the day. With all of his Paladin powers activated he basically just kept hitting him - taking no damage at all...

thanks for all of the advise!

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 8:26 am
by Who Cares
As wizard I used Bigby's Forceful Hand (6th level) on him, stopped him cold until the frenzy ended.

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:01 am
by Daeanor
I found this to be a difficult fight for a ranger. First go, I was caught completely flatfooted ... you have no time to buff, drink potions, nothing at all. I didn't even have my weapons in hand from the trial. He tore me up in no time. The only break you get before the actual battle is before you stand vigil in the temple, and any buffs or feat you use at that time will be stripped by the time you start the battle. Not only stripped, but not recharged, so you need to at least rest in the temple so you have all your abilities ready.

I had to do the actual fight at least a half dozen times before I got him. The annoying camera killed me a few times when I lost sight of where I was and had to move blindly ... until I finally caught on that I could change the camera angle while paused. In the end I wound up treating it like a turn-base battle; every action I took, I paused after, adjusted my view and planned the next moved. It was nerve-wracking and cost me a bit of sleep because I couldn't stop trying to figure out how to beat him without dragging out one of my companions :) .

The fight I won went like this: As he was charging, I hit him with a tanglefoot bag so I could chug some potions. The rat-bastard won a save roll and resisted it, so I settled for just a bless potion. I wanted speed too, at least, but there wasn't time, his DPS is just too high to stand there drinking potions. But it wouldn't have mattered. If it were a straight-up fight, I still would have chopped him to pieces. I had 75% health when he got to nothing, but that frenzy mode of his is the killer. A ranger even with the medium armor feat just can't stand up to his battering long enough for the frenzy to wear off. In one of my pause breaks just before he frenzied, I summoned my animal companion, and when I started getting the frenzy message, I took the advice from previous posters and started running like heck. My wolf pet wound up finishing him off, and I survived with 10% health or less. Though my character usually picks the "good" thing to do, I rejected the opportunity to spare him and cut him down after the cut scene.