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dude? wheres my horse??

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 12:55 pm
by Ghost Dragon
Hi, i just downloaded the knights of the nine plug-in and finshed the questline. Then i did it again and i was doing the part where you had to pray at all the wayshrines. well i was doing the last one where i was getting off my horse and then a conjurer attacked me. it nearly killed my horse and then my horse dissapeard :( I went to a city and went to the local stables and my horse was there! :) When i got on and started to ride... my horse went super fast! like faster then 10 black hores put together. I thought something happened like a temporary spell was cast on it to give it like 999 speed and it would go awaya but it never did.

Then i was riding in the mountains and i went so fast. i accidently fell off of dive rock :speech: and i think we all know what happens if you ride of dive rock on a horse... So i went to by another horse. Had like 999 speed to! :eek: I dont know whats wrong with all the horses in the game! the courier you see riding around anvil on her black horse is going normal? is there a way to rid of this glitch so the horse population in my game doesn't drop to 0? cause horses r cool! :cool:

sorry for writing to much :)

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 1:30 am
by spudscooking
What Wayshire were you praying at? Akatoshes can increase your horses speed.

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 9:26 am
by Faberge
I do not know an answer to your problem. And I do not know how to fix it, but there is away to handle the situation if you are on PC.

I’d suggest doing this:
Open the console, and then mouse click your horse. If you did it correctly there now should be text such as “Your horse name” (Your horse ID) in the top of the screen.

Now type tcl in the console and hit enter.

Your horse won’t start flying, but it will stay on the ground no matter what. This means that you can ride your horse up and downhill all you want without the fear of “dropping” and accidentally killing it in the process.

However, avoid water; it is all too easy to accidentally drown your horse.