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attribute effects, more specific?

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:06 am
by probe53
The manual provides a description/chart on what the attributes effect. Is there other effects NOT listed?

Im curious about CHA, DEX, and WIS mainly.

(exclude leadership effect for cha, i heard of that one)

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:12 am
by Thrar
There's one thing I can think of: CON of 20+ gives regeneration. I don't know how much this is at the higher amounts, CON 20 means 1HP/minute.
The thieving modifications through DEX are not in the main attribute tables, but they are also in the manual.

Other than that, I think the more interesting question is: What was not implemented, that's stated in the manual?
CON: the resurrect percentage, it's always 100%
INT: the highest level that can be cast (e.g. Imoen is able to cast level 9 spells with INT 17), although the # per level is implemented
WIS: both spell failure (take Minsc as an example if you want) and saving throw modifications.