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PSI OPS- ur mind is the ultimate weapon

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:52 pm
Game :P si Ops: The Mindgate conspiracy
Rated:M-Blood and gore,intense violence,strong language
PO (Psi Ops) is a game where you need to use your powers wisely. Beleive me, this is not a run-and-gun game. This is one of the best third person shooters out there.

Clean and polished. The explosions are definently one of the best. Detailed enviroments, and character models. Even the walls are good. Thats right, the walls.

The game's sounds are really good. The explosions have a nice sound to them. The guns sound pretty good. But when i was watching the cutscenes i could barely here what they were talking about, so i had to turn my TV up when the cutscenes come on.

There ok. All of them are dark, and some are repetitive. The levels go from a prison to a mansion type buliding.

You are Nick Scryer, and your mind has been wiped by a terrorist organization. Nick wants to infiltrate the whole organization. You gain these Psi powers which i will explain later on. The ending made me mad because of the TO BE CONTINUED and it has been 2 years sice the release and no sign of a sequel...

Sadly there are only 7 weapons. You can only hold 2, and the silent pistol cannot be dropped. So you can only pick up one gun. The flamethrower and rocket laucher cannot be picked up either unless you use a psi power. Assault rifle, machine gun, shotgun, and sniper rifle. The sniper was hard to aim with even while crouching. I know this game isnt about the weapons but thats what i gave my rate on.

Really simple but good.
R-fire weapon
X-melee attack
I will explain the Psi power buttons when I get to it.

Psi powers:10/10
Psi powers is what really makes this game spectacular.
Telekinesis-Is the ability to move and throw objects and people with your mind. My favorite Psi power.
Remote viewing-The ability to leave your body and and plan your attack before entering the next room or corner. Not really needed but its a cool power.
Mind drain-The ability to drain PSI from your enemy. If your running low on PSI and need more, you can use mind drain to get some from your enemy, and kill them.
Pyrokenesis-The ability to throw a wave/wall of fire into your enemy. A really fun power to use, that is very effective.
Mind Control -The ability to take over a enemys body and take control of that enemy.This is one of the powers you will need to use wisely.

Fun. Fun. Fun. Psi powers are the best to use. The weapons arent has facsinating as the powers, but the guns can and will be helpful to you in this game. You will have a blast with the Telekinesis power, i gurantee it.
The physics (Havok) are superb. They really are. I actually like them better than Half-life 2's even thought they both use Havok. They use a checkpoint system is PO, which sometimes can be frustrating at times.

I never tried the muliplayer in PO, but what you do is one person controls the movement of Nick, while the other player controls the powers and everything else.

The game does have some unlockables and you collect these gnomes throught the game to unlock side missions. The side missions are fun but really hard. The game is about 10-12 hours long on the normal setting.

Recomendation:Buy or Rent?
I would buy it if i were you. The rent you wouldnt get the whole expirence that you would need to enjoy it. Its dirt cheap also.

Final Score:8.4/10
Its a really fun game, but frustrating at times. The boss battles can reall get to you sometimes.