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Elanee's Quests (SPOILERS!)

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:08 pm
by Daeanor
I never ran into the Wounded Wolf until Act II - and he didn't mark Skymirror marked on my map. Does that mean I can't finish Elanee's quests? Or is there a way around this?

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 10:13 pm
by Acleacius
Not sure, as if you do see him seems he would mark it.
Now the converstation can go several ways as foar as Influence with Eleene as in if your mean to the Wolf and don't ask if she can heal the wolf or some such response.
Obviously you would need to be nice if that is a factor in getting the marker for Skymirror.
Do your recall how you answered it?
Are you playing Evil?

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 7:40 am
by Daeanor
Nope, playing it chaotic good, though it seems most of my choices are moving more towards lawful. I picked up a few influence points with Eleena too, so I have responded "correctly."

After I posted, I took a look at the Bioware site, and apparently, you can't do Skymirror in Act II. Their "fix" was to take out the wounded wolf in Act II, so apparently, I missed my shot at it.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:21 pm
by Ningengirai
Meh? I patched to 1.03 and just started another run through the game with a CE character, and the wolf is there, and after meeting it, Skymirror does appear on my travel map. I think you need to do a quest or two in the Docks before you can actually see it, and you need to have Elanee in your party ( not sure on that part, though ).

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:09 pm
by Acleacius
I went through a big problem finding the Wolf the first time.
What happens is that near the Weaponsmith is an alcove where the first time your in the Docks Githyanki spawn in this spot.

Afaik you must choose to side with the Watch or the Thieves before the Wolf will spawn in that spot.

Another possiblity is that you just need to leave the level after the Gith attack and it may spawn without choosing sides.

I really dislike what they do with chapter 2 by locking out all the map locations we have been too, very annoying, unrealistic and poor game design.

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:46 pm
by Daeanor
Ningengirai wrote:Meh? I patched to 1.03 and just started another run through the game with a CE character, and the wolf is there, and after meeting it, Skymirror does appear on my travel map. I think you need to do a quest or two in the Docks before you can actually see it, and you need to have Elanee in your party ( not sure on that part, though ).
Perhaps I misread how they fixed it - but I talked to the wolf before the patch, so whatever they did still may leave me out :(

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 2:45 pm
by Ningengirai
Daeanor wrote:Perhaps I misread how they fixed it - but I talked to the wolf before the patch, so whatever they did still may leave me out :(
Are you in Act II or III? Because I think the Skymirror was something you were supposed to do in Act II and it became inaccessible after that.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 6:13 am
by Daeanor
Ningengirai wrote:Are you in Act II or III? Because I think the Skymirror was something you were supposed to do in Act II and it became inaccessible after that.
Actually, you are supposed to do it in Act I.

I found a hack on the Bioware site that lets you pick it up. It seemed hardly worth the trouble - no XP to speak of, no challenge at all at level 15, no extra influence opportunities. But, proof that it belongs in Act I is the old map when you leave. It doesn't even show Blacklake.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 2:46 pm
by Lisa
on similar topic

I never could figure out what to do at the skymirror...any tips? Thanks!

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:53 pm
by Who Cares
spoiler tag used
Check the map, there ar 4 trees mentioned.
each requires a spell to be cast on the tree, each tree giving a hint what the spell is.
Once you do that you get a token to be used at the water and there you get a cutscene for background info + bond building.
end spoiler