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Short F/T or Berserker > Thief... which is more powerful?

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 4:42 pm
by Klorox
I'm trying to create the more powerful of these two characters.

Is it a short (Dwarf, Gnome, or Halfling) multiclassed Fighter/Thief, or a Human Berserker 13 > Thief?

I picked the short race because I love the saving throw bonuses, but the Human gets a lot of immunities while Raging, as well as grandmastery (although I am NOT using any GM patches).

I am planning this character for a 2 person party (the other character is a Sorcerer), and have ToB installed (so I plan on racing through the levels quickly).


Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:11 pm
by Crenshinibon
Normally I'd go for the dual class, however, I am not sure whether this was intentional or not, but a Fighter/Thief doesn't have a limit to how many times he can take the Assassination ability. With a fast attacker (if you use the "speed weapons" and can cast Improved Haste on yourself, your attacks double and that gives you an amazing attack speed) you could do a lot in the short duration.

The advantages of the dual class that I see are Grandmastery, immunities granted by the rage and the ability to control how many levels of each class you want. However, this build grants you the Thief abilities at epic levels, so basically all you choose from are the traps, the crafting skills and the evasion skills.

I think that the freedom that the F/T gives you makes it a better class to play.

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 8:33 pm
by Jedi_Sauraus
I'd also have to agree with F/T, you'll have access to 2 HLA pools making him more powerfull. IMO F/T = a Tank who can set traps and pick locks ect

As for the Berserker>Thief well I'm playing a Kensai > Thief both seem similar and I can tell you that those classes are essentially thieves. They have some tanking ability but not as much as F/T

I would however go with an elven Multiclass for the AC but then I've never been a fan of protagonist midgets :D

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 9:02 pm
by DaemonJ
I have been using a Halfling Fighter/Thief since BG1 and have been very happy with him.

When I first started playing BG2, I tried a new Swashbuckler but was quickly disappointed by his performance. When I imported my BG1 Halfling F/T, I was amazed at the difference since this guy kicks butt, especially on the backstabs.

I like the fact that the Halfling gets a bonus to Dexterity like an Elf but also gets the most racial benefits to thieving abilities.

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:11 am
by Thrar
Without true grandmastery, I don't think there's much of a point in getting 5* in any weapon. Especially if you're only using one fighting character, you might be happier with specialization in different kinds of weapons, to use the appropriate one for every situation.
Picking a berserker would mean you couldn't use ranged weapons well - now, I don't know your play style, but in some situations they certainly can be quite handy.
On the other hand, as a halfling, you get 19DEX, nice racial bonuses to thievery, and those shorty saves, while not being restricted to thief HLAs later on, either. For me, halfling F/T is the way to go.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 10:55 pm
by Klorox
I've been playing with a Dwarf F/T and having a blast. The lower DEX doesn't really matter because I know I'll be getting so many Thief levels, and the 19 CON is just awesome. HP are the way to go!