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Making Characters

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:29 pm
by DrizztTheDrow
I have Pool of radiance myth Dranor, i dont know which version or anything, all i know is that when i try making characters, i get all the way through and when it shows my invy, i click done but it doesnt do anything. Please help, thank you.

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 8:38 am
by ConjurerDragon
If you don´t know which version you have installed I strongly adivise to get the last and newest patch before you even start the game and before you even create the first character.

The first versions were unstable and buggy and the deinstallation routine had an error which could wipe your harddisk when deinstalling the game - so check which version you have and if it is not 1.4 then got and get it:

Pool Of Radiance

Edit: If you don´t know which version of the game you have - look at the lower right corner of the screen when in the Main Menu - there should be written 1.4 and a date.

Posted: Wed Dec 27, 2006 11:55 am
by DrizztTheDrow
i have the collectors edition

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 8:40 am
by ConjurerDragon
DrizztTheDrow wrote:i have the collectors edition
I own the Collectors Edition, too - however that does NOT guarantee that
you have the latest version of the game.

The CD-ROM in my collectors Edition box was version 1.2 as far as I remember and I had to download the last patch 1.4 to get the games errors fixed.