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'Aight, may need a 'lil help here...

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:41 pm
by Sajoerdd
Ok, now, once you've read this-dont think im a noob.
I'm currently also playing it for quite some time now, and i'm lvl 40 right now, Argonian, with full daedric set. Now, i've not even done the ''Breaking the Siege of Kvatch'' quest yet, since It isn't really one of my favorite quests (just hate it :P ) and now, the place is filled with storm antronachs, xivlia's and those sorta guys. Now, i've found it rather hard to do that mission now. I'm currently also kicked out of the mages guild, and i didnt have the recommendations yet so i cant ''chameleon'' my armor.
I know, you guys i should just get the bloody stuff, get the enchants and stop whining. But if i even did so, the Bravil recommendation is rather bugged, as some of u know. If you've started the ''Trough a Nightmare, Darkly'' quest you cant take the recommendation quest. I also don't have the skills for a invisibility spell. I could just spend all my money on healing potions and just charge straight in, but that would still result to my death.
Anyone having a solution?

Thanks already,

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 11:14 am
by Asher
well there are w few ways of doing it that I can think of. one is summon a few things to help and spend a small fortune on healing potions as well. lets see if your head of the dark brothhood you can have a murderer follow you as well that mill help. second go get the last of your recomendations and then get the chamillian spell. If your on PC you can change your level to something a bit lower. if you have the wizards tower plugin you dont need to be in the mages guild to enchant or create spells. You could always try to lower the game difficulty untill the battle is over.

thats all I can think of at the moment
best of luck to you

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:51 pm
by Sajoerdd
Yea, could be...but im not the head of dark brotherhood and i dont have mages tower upgrade. Just one question: how do i change the difficulty on the Xbox 360?

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:07 pm
by CrimsonSun
go to options and then gameplay

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 9:02 am
by Sajoerdd
thanks :)