Dxun Sith masters/Atton as a Jedi (Spoilers)
Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 4:03 pm
Spoilers, Forgot to put it in the title, sorry.
Well, it seems I've totally screwed myself over.
I'm on Dxun, in the Sith temple. I'm 20 meters away from the Sith masters performing the ritual. I've fought my way through countless deaths and incapacitations. But only then, ONLY then, do I realize I've made tons of fatal errors.
I haven't acquired Hanharr as a party member, nor Mira.
I haven't trained Atton as a Jedi sentinel at ALL... which I wished to do but didn't have the apparently needed influence points to do it, so it ended in an argument.
Now, with my latest save right before the battle with the sith masters (in which I have lost 7-8 times already), I have no idea what to do. I have no jedi in the party (I'm such an idiot). The expedition is lead by Atton, with Mandalore and the Handmaiden. Strongest characters I had, around level 17 but now about 19.
Now to the point. At my latest save, no I have not begun the fight with the sith. Yes I have defeated every single person in the temple and the outside area. But I can't leave. I can't "Abandon the mission". I severely need medical supplies or something. I've tried thinking of any possible ways to solve it.... but no. I'm considering resorting to my last save, but that would set me back enormously. I'm not sure if it was before I had gone through Korriban (Which I EXTREMELY do not wish to repeat).
ANY ideas for defeating the Sith masters then? I've got each character equipped with strong Melee weapons and blasters (no lightsabers
) and have been using the Melee weapons to fight the sith... and not once have I even half defeated one.
Help please.... I'd rather not resort to the older save but if I have to I will 
Well, it seems I've totally screwed myself over.
I'm on Dxun, in the Sith temple. I'm 20 meters away from the Sith masters performing the ritual. I've fought my way through countless deaths and incapacitations. But only then, ONLY then, do I realize I've made tons of fatal errors.
I haven't acquired Hanharr as a party member, nor Mira.
I haven't trained Atton as a Jedi sentinel at ALL... which I wished to do but didn't have the apparently needed influence points to do it, so it ended in an argument.
Now, with my latest save right before the battle with the sith masters (in which I have lost 7-8 times already), I have no idea what to do. I have no jedi in the party (I'm such an idiot). The expedition is lead by Atton, with Mandalore and the Handmaiden. Strongest characters I had, around level 17 but now about 19.
Now to the point. At my latest save, no I have not begun the fight with the sith. Yes I have defeated every single person in the temple and the outside area. But I can't leave. I can't "Abandon the mission". I severely need medical supplies or something. I've tried thinking of any possible ways to solve it.... but no. I'm considering resorting to my last save, but that would set me back enormously. I'm not sure if it was before I had gone through Korriban (Which I EXTREMELY do not wish to repeat).
ANY ideas for defeating the Sith masters then? I've got each character equipped with strong Melee weapons and blasters (no lightsabers